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EPA Says D.C. Circuit Labor Ruling Backs Policy On CWA 'Blending' Case


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EPA says a new U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruling in a labor dispute backs the agency's policy that it is not required to implement nationwide an 8th Circuit ruling limiting EPA's Clean Water Act (CWA) power to regulate wastewater facilities' "blending" of partially and fully treated waste. In an Oct. 5 letter to the D.C. Circuit, the Department of Justice (DOJ) on EPA's behalf points to a Sept. 30 decision, handed down by a divided three-judge panel, as supporting the general principle of "intercircuit nonacquiescence" under which agencies do not have to abide by adverse rulings from an appellate court in states outside of that court's jurisdiction. However, the 2-1 decision in Heartland Plymouth Court MI, LLC v. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) addressed labor law claims rather than a CWA claim.
机译:EPA表示,美国新的针对劳资纠纷的哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉法院的裁决支持该机构的政策,即无需在全国范围内实施第八巡回裁决,限制EPA的《清洁水法》(CWA)权力来规范废水处理设施。混合”部分和完全处理的废物。在10月5日致直流电路的一封信中,美国司法部(DOJ)代表EPA指出,由三名法官组成的一个分庭下达的9月30日的裁决,支持了“哪些机构不必遵守该法院管辖范围以外州的上诉法院的不利裁决。但是,Heartland Plymouth Court MI,LLC诉国家劳资关系委员会(NLRB)的2-1判决处理的是劳动法索赔,而不是CWA索赔。



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