首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, & Soil Pollution >Stabilization of Mine Tailings Using Fly Ash and Sewage Sludge Planted with Phalaris arundinacea L.

Stabilization of Mine Tailings Using Fly Ash and Sewage Sludge Planted with Phalaris arundinacea L.


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The impact of plants (Phalaris arundinacea L.) on the leakage of ammonium, cadmium, copper, nitrate, phosphate, and zinc from sulfidic mine tailings covered with wood fly ash and sewage sludge was investigated. Either ash or sludge was placed in contact with the tailings, and ash layers of either low or high compactness were used. It was revealed that an ash/sludge cover effectively decreased the metal leaching from the tailings regardless of the order in which the materials were applied. Plants decreased the amount of leachate and the concentrations of ammonium and phosphate. The presence of ash below the sludge decreased the plant uptake of copper and zinc and nitrate leakage. However, when the ash was added as a thin (1.5 cm) porous layer, roots and air reached the tailings and caused high metal leakage. The results support the use of a vegetated ash/sludge cover in the treatment of mine tailings, provided that the sealing layer is firm enough to prevent root penetration. Keywords Acid mine drainage - Bio fuel fly ash - Biosolids - Energy crop - Leachate - Reed canary grass
机译:研究了植物(Phalaris arundinacea L.)对覆盖有木粉煤灰和污水污泥的硫化矿尾矿中铵,镉,铜,硝酸盐,磷酸盐和锌泄漏的影响。将灰或污泥与尾矿接触,并使用低密实度或高密实度的灰层。结果表明,无论使用何种材料,烟灰/污泥覆盖物都能有效减少尾矿中的金属浸出。植物减少了渗滤液的量以及铵和磷酸盐的浓度。污泥下灰分的存在降低了植物对铜,锌和硝酸盐的吸收。但是,当灰分作为薄的(1.5厘米)多孔层添加时,根和空气到达尾矿,并导致大量金属泄漏。如果密封层足够坚固以防止根部渗透,则结果支持使用植物灰/污泥覆盖物处理矿山尾矿。关键词酸性矿山排水-生物燃料粉煤灰-生物固体-能源作物-渗滤液-芦苇金丝雀草



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