首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, and Soil Pollution >Harvesting Plants in Constructed Wetlands to Increase Biomass Production and Na+ and Cl- Removal from Recycled Greenhouse Nutrient Solution

Harvesting Plants in Constructed Wetlands to Increase Biomass Production and Na+ and Cl- Removal from Recycled Greenhouse Nutrient Solution

机译:在人工湿地上收获植物以增加生物量生产以及从回收的温室营养液中去除Na +和Cl-

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Recycled greenhouse nutrient solution requires treatment to prevent increased concentrations of both Na+ and Cl-ions from damaging crops or impacting the environment subsequent to its discharge. Constructed wetlands (CW) planted with species capable of hyper-accumulating Na+ and Cl- may be one viable treatment option. To mitigate the unwanted ions from CW, plant material may need to be harvested and removed. Research suggests that multiple harvests throughout the growing season can maximize the CW phytoremediation potential. To determine the ideal frequency of CW plant harvesting, an 18-week, outdoor microcosm experiment was conducted in which three wetland plant species, Juncus torreyi Coville. (Torrey's rush), Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C. C. Gmel.) Palla (softstem bulrush), and Typha latifolia L. (broad leaf cattail), were subjected to the following harvesting treatments: (i) one harvest, (ii) two harvests, and (iii) three harvests. The total amounts of Na+ and Cl- accumulated in the aboveground dry biomass per square meter of plant growth area were calculated. Treatments with the highest Na+ accumulation were as follows: T. latifolia with three harvests, 24.7 g m(-2), T. latifolia with two harvests, 16.2 g m(-2), J. torreyi with two harvests, 12.7 g m(-2). Treatments with the highest Claccumulation were as follows: J. torreyi with two harvests, 111.3 g m(-2), T. latifolia with three harvests, 94.8 g m(-2), T. latifolia with two harvests, 81.4 g m(-2). Harvesting, whether two or three times, increased the Na+ and Cl- accumulated by T. latifolia and J. torreyi but did not influence the Na+ and Cl- accumulation or growth of S. tabernaemontani. However, the average Na+ and Cl- removal efficiencies of the all treatments were low, between 1-5 % for Na+ and 7-15 % for Cl-, suggesting that phytodesalinization may not be the best option for Na+ and Cl- treatment.
机译:循环利用的温室营养液需要进行处理,以防止Na +和Cl离子浓度增加对农作物造成伤害或在排放后影响环境。一种人工湿地(CW),其种植有能够超积累Na +和Cl-的物种,可能是一种可行的治疗选择。为了减轻来自CW的有害离子,可能需要收获并去除植物材料。研究表明,整个生长期的多次收获可以最大程度地提高化学废物的植物修复潜力。为了确定连续波植物的理想收获频率,进行了为期18周的室外缩影实验,其中包括三种湿地植物物种Juncus torreyi Coville。 (Torrey的仓鼠),Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani(CC Gmel。)Palla(软茎纸莎草)和Typha latifolia L.(阔叶香蒲)经过以下收获处理:(i)一次收获,(ii)两次收获,以及(iii)三个收获。计算每平方米植物生长面积在地上干燥生物量中累积的Na +和Cl-总量。 Na +积累量最高的处理方法如下:三种收获的T. latifolia,24.7 gm(-2),两种收获的T. latifolia,16.2 gm(-2),两次收获的J. torreyi,12.7 gm(-2) )。凝集程度最高的处理方法如下:两次收获的托雷耶螺旋藻,111.3 gm(-2),三次收获的阔叶莴苣,94.8 gm(-2),两次收获的阔叶莴苣,81.4 gm(-2) 。收获,无论是2到3次,都增加了紫叶铁线莲和J. torreyi积累的Na +和Cl-,但不影响S. tabernaemontani的Na +和Cl-积累或生长。但是,所有处理的平均Na +和Cl-去除效率均很低,Na +介于1-5%和Cl-介于7-15%之间,这表明植物脱盐处理可能不是Na +和Cl-处理的最佳选择。



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