首页> 外文期刊>Waste Management >Interactions among low-molecular-weight organics, heavy metals, and Fe(Ⅲ) during coagulation of landfill leachate nanofiltration concentrate

Interactions among low-molecular-weight organics, heavy metals, and Fe(Ⅲ) during coagulation of landfill leachate nanofiltration concentrate


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The generation of landfill leachate nanofiltration concentrate (LLNC) has been a dilemma for leachate treatment plants because it contains large amounts of refractory organics with low molecular weight (LMWO), as well as heavy metals (HMs), and is difficult to handle. The coagulation removal of LMWOs is a significant challenge, as is the removal of HMs bonded to LMWOs. In this study, coagulation through the dosing of FeCl_3 was used to remove LMWOs and HMs from LLNC. The results interestingly demon-strated that the removal rates of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Cr, Ni, and As reached up to 84.1% ± 3.9%, 91.0 ± 1.1%, 73.1 ± 2.2%, and 96.9 ± 1.5%, respectively. The partition of LMWO components, as well as the interactions among the LMWOs, HMs, and Fe(Ⅲ) were investigated to determine the mechanism behind the LMWO and HM removal. LMWOs with a high degree of humification, including humic and ful-vic acid-like components, were preferentially removed through aggregation and electrostatic attraction originating from the specialistic adsorption of Fe_2(OH)_2~(4+) and Fe_3(OH)_4~(5+). In addition to being removed, a portion of these two components was dissociated into aromatic protein I, aromatic protein Ⅱ, and sol-uble microbial by-product-like materials due to an acid effect and the formation of inner-sphere com-plexes. A redundancy analysis revealed that As, Cr, and Ni are mainly removed through the electrostatic attraction of Fe(Ⅲ), bonding to humic substances and hydrophilic organics, respectively. The outcomes provide a new understanding on the coagulation removal of LMWOs and HMs.
机译:垃圾渗滤液纳滤浓缩物(LLNC)的产生一直是渗滤液处理厂的两难选择,因为它含有大量低分子量难熔有机物(LMWO)和重金属(HMs),并且难以处理。 LMWO的凝结去除是一个重大挑战,与LMWO结合的HM的去除也是如此。在这项研究中,通过FeCl_3的定量混凝被用于去除LLNC中的LMWO和HM。结果有趣地表明,溶解有机碳(DOC),Cr,Ni和As的去除率分别达到了84.1%±3.9%,91.0±1.1%,73.1±2.2%和96.9±1.5%。 。研究了LMWO组分的分配以及LMWO,HM和Fe(Ⅲ)之间的相互作用,以确定了LMWO和HM去除的机理。具有高腐化度的LMWO(包括腐殖酸和富维酸样成分)会优先通过Fe_2(OH)_2〜(4+)和Fe_3(OH)_4〜的特殊吸附而通过聚集和静电吸引而被去除。 (5岁以上)。除了被除去之外,由于酸效应和内球复合物的形成,这两种成分的一部分还分解成芳香蛋白I,芳香蛋白Ⅱ和可溶解的微生物副产物状物质。冗余分析表明,As,Cr和Ni主要通过Fe(Ⅲ)的静电吸引而去除,分别与腐殖质和亲水性有机物结合。结果为LMWO和HM的凝结去除提供了新的认识。



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