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Nuisance flies and landfill activities: an investigation at a West Midlands landfill site


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Nuisance-causing flies were studied in and around a- West Midlands, UK, landfill site from mid-January 2003 to mid-January 2004. The most important species was the common housefly, Musca domestica, which made up more than 92 percent of the total catch on traps in premises and was also frequent on the landfill site. An estimated 2 million common houseflies were imported to the site in waste as eggs, larvae or pupae during the peak month, July. Most did not apparently survive to maturity, only about 20 000 per month emerging from the tipped refuse. Lesser houseflies (Fannia canicularis) were also very commonly imported but they seemed unable to survive the conditions on the tip in their immature stages and few were found in emergence traps. No correlation was found between the distance separating premises from the landfill site and the number of M. domestica trapped in those premises. White sticky traps were effective for monitoring changes in fly populations over the longer term whereas the Scudder grill was more useful for making objective 'snapshots' of fly activity. There is scope to improve both the monitoring of fly activity and the investigation of complaints made by the general public about flies.
机译:从2003年1月中旬至2004年1月中旬,在英国a-West Midlands的垃圾掩埋场及其周围地区对引起滋扰的苍蝇进行了研究。最重要的物种是普通家蝇Musca domestica,占家蝇的92%以上。捕捞场所的陷阱总捕获量很高,垃圾填埋场也很常见。在7月的高峰月份,估计有200万普通家蝇被作为废物以鸡蛋,幼虫或p的形式进口到该地点。大多数人显然没有生存到成熟期,每月仅约有2万的垃圾来自垃圾桶。较小的家蝇(Fannia canicularis)也很常见,但它们似乎无法在未成熟阶段的尖端条件下生存,并且在出苗陷阱中很少发现。在将房屋与垃圾掩埋场分开的距离与困在这些房屋中的家蝇之间没有发现相关性。白色粘性诱捕器可以有效地监测苍蝇的长期变化,而Scudder烧烤架对于制作苍蝇活动的客观“快照”更为有用。有必要改进对苍蝇活动的监测以及调查公众对苍蝇的投诉的调查。



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