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Urban governance and spatial inequality in service delivery: a case study of solid waste management in Abuja, Nigeria


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Spatial inequality in service delivery is a common feature in African cities. Several factors account for the phenomenon but there is growing attention towards urban governance and the role of the state. Urban governance policies such as privatization serve as key strategies through which the state regulates and (re)produces spatial inequality in service delivery. This study examined how governance practices related to privatization and the regulatory role of the state reinforce spatial inequalities in the delivery of solid waste services in Abuja, Nigeria. It focused primarily on the issue of cost recovery. Privatization became a major focus in Abuja in 2003 when the government launched a pilot scheme. Although it has brought improvements in service delivery, privatization has also increased the gap in the quality of services delivered in different parts of the city. Drawing on empirical data, the study revealed that little sensitivity to income and affordability, and to income differentials between neighbourhoods in the fixing of user charges and in the choice of the billing method is contributing to spatial inequalities in service delivery. Furthermore, the study suggests that these practices are linked to a broader issue, a failure of the government to see the people as partners. It therefore calls for more inclusive governance especially in decision-making processes. The study also emphasizes the need for a policy document on solid waste management, as this would encourage a critical assessment of vital issues including how privatization is to be funded, especially in low-income areas.
机译:服务提供中的空间不平等是非洲城市的普遍特征。造成这种现象的因素有很多,但人们对城市治理和国家角色的关注日益增加。私有化等城市治理政策是国家调节和(再)制造服务提供空间不平等的主要战略。这项研究探讨了与私有化相关的治理实践以及国家的监管作用如何加剧尼日利亚阿布贾提供固体废物服务中的空间不平等。它主要侧重于成本回收问题。 2003年政府启动试点计划时,私有化成为阿布贾的主要重点。尽管私有化带来了服务提供方面的改善,但私有化也增加了城市不同地区所提供服务质量的差距。利用经验数据,该研究表明,在确定用户费用和选择计费方式时,对收入和可负担性以及邻里之间的收入差异的敏感性很小,这导致服务提供中的空间不平等。此外,研究表明,这些做法与更广泛的问题有关,政府未能将人民视为伙伴。因此,它要求实行更具包容性的治理,尤其是在决策过程中。该研究还强调需要有关固体废物管理的政策文件,因为这将鼓励对关键问题进行关键评估,包括如何为私有化提供资金,特别是在低收入地区。



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