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Some Slime-Forming Heterofermentative Species of the Genus Lactobacillus




Lactobacillus coprophilus subsp. confusus (NCDO 1586) and 18 other strains of slime-forming heterofermentative lactobacilli obtained from diverse sources are considered to form a new species on the basis of their physiological characteristics and similarities of their pyruvate reductases and lactate dehydrogenases. It is suggested that these strains should be named Lactobacillus confusus (Holzapfel & Kandler) comb. nov. (L. coprophilus subsp. confusus Holzapfel & Kandler), reasons being given. The type strain is NCDO 1586 (NCIB 9311, ATCC 10881). Strains of Lactobacillus vermiforme and Lactobacillus viridescens also form slime. However, L. vermiforme was readily separated from the other two by the criteria used. Although physiological characteristics separated L. viridescens from L. confusus, a relationship between these two species and also between them and the leuconostocs was indicated by the properties of the pyruvate reductases and lactate dehydrogenases. The slime produced by all species was found to be a glucan, probably a dextran, containing primarily α-1-6-glycosidic linkages.
机译:乳酸杆菌胚胎子。 Combusus(NCDO 1586)和18种来自不同来源的其他粘液形成的异质乳酸杆菌,基于其生理特性和其丙酮酸还原酶和乳酸脱氢酶的生理特性和相似性来形成新的物种。建议这些菌株应该被命名为乳杆菌(Holzapfel&Kandler)梳子。 11月。 (L. Coprophilus subsp。ConfeSus Holzapfel&Kandler),被赋予的原因。类型应变是NCDO 1586(NCIB 9311,ATCC 10881)。乳酸杆菌菌株和乳杆菌毒蕈杆菌也形成粘液。然而,通过使用的标准,L.Vermiforme容易地与其他两个分离。尽管从L. confusus中分离的生理特性L. Viridescens,但是通过丙酮酸还原酶的性质和乳酸脱氢酶的性质表明了这两个物种与它们之间的关系和乳酸脱氢酶之间的关系。发现所有物种产生的粘液是葡聚糖,可能是葡聚糖,主要含有α-1-6糖苷键。



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