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The Art Press at the Fin de siecle: Women, Collecting, and Connoisseurship


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The role of the art press has been proved crucial in the early formation of art history. The study of art criticism at the turn of the century, however, is still mainly focused on male figures, such as Roger Fry (1866-1934) and Bernard Berenson (1865-1959). In fact, evidence indicates that women were important contributors to these debates through their contributions in the new periodicals: The Studio, The Connoisseur, and The Burlington Magazine. This essay offers key examples of women writers, such as Julia Frankau (1859-1916), Julia Cartwright (1851-1924), and Mary Berenson (1864-1944). It explores thematic case studies on decorative art, the Old Masters, and collections history. Although these writers lacked institutional affiliations, their scholarly approaches overturn gender stereotypes of superficiality. Women writers were also often attuned to the interconnectivity of the press, collecting, art production, and the art market.
机译:事实证明,美术出版社的作用在美术史的早期形成中至关重要。然而,对世纪之交的艺术批评的研究仍然主要集中在男性人物上,例如罗杰·弗莱(Roger Fry(1866-1934)和伯纳德·贝伦森(Bernard Berenson)(1865-1959)。实际上,有证据表明,妇女通过她们在新期刊(演播室,鉴赏家和伯灵顿杂志)中的贡献而成为这些辩论的重要贡献者。本文提供了女作家的重要例子,例如朱莉娅·弗兰高(1859-1916),朱莉娅·卡特赖特(1851-1924)和玛丽·贝伦森(1864-1944)。它探讨了有关装饰艺术,古代大师和藏品历史的专题案例研究。尽管这些作家缺乏机构联系,但他们的学术方法推翻了肤浅的性别陈规定型观念。女作家也经常被媒体,收藏,艺术品生产和艺术品市场的相互影响所吸引。



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