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Whole genome sequencing and characterization of a virulent Newcastle disease virus isolated from an outbreak in Sweden


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In this study, the complete genome sequence of a Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolate collected from an outbreak in 1995 in chickens was fully characterized and compared with other NDV sequences. The genome was found to be 15,192 nucleotides long and to consist of six genes in the order 3′-NP-P-M-F-HN-L-5′, similar to other avian paramyxoviruses type-I. However, a six-nucleotide insertion was observed in the 5′ non-coding regions of the nucleoprotein (NP) gene, a feature that is unique to some NDV isolates. The isolate shows the amino acid sequence 112RRQKRF117 at the cleavage site of the F protein, which is identical to a known motif for virulent pathotypes of NDV. The phylogenetic analysis of the coding region of the F gene indicated that this isolate belongs to genotype VI, more specifically to genotype VId, along with isolates from the other European countries (Denmark, Switzerland and Austria). The same genotype caused outbreaks in the Middle East and Greece in the late 1960s, and in Hungary, in the early 1980s, suggesting a common source for these outbreaks.
机译:在这项研究中,从1995年爆发的鸡中收集的新城疫病毒(NDV)分离株的完整基因组序列已得到充分表征,并与其他NDV序列进行了比较。发现该基因组长15192个核苷酸,并且由3个-NP-P-M-F-HN-L-5'顺序的六个基因组成,类似于其他I型禽副粘病毒。但是,在核蛋白(NP)基因的5'非编码区中观察到六核苷酸插入,这是某些NDV分离株独有的特征。该分离物在F蛋白的切割位点显示了氨基酸序列 112 RRQKRF 117 ,该序列与NDV的毒力致病型的已知基序相同。 F基因编码区的系统发育分析表明,该分离物属于VI型基因,更具体地属于VId基因型,以及来自其他欧洲国家(丹麦,瑞士和奥地利)的分离物。相同的基因型在1960年代末期在中东和希腊以及在1980年代初在匈牙利引起了暴发,这表明这些暴发的共同来源。



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