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Retrospektive Analyse von 44 Ertrinkungsunf?llen von Kindern und Jugendlichen


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BACKGROUND: Worldwide, drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death and the leading cause of cardiovascular failure for children [1–3]. The number of near-drownings, where the incident is survived for at least 24 hours, is assumed to be four times as high [5]. In the years 1994 until 2008 there were 44 cases of drowning treated at the children's department of the University of Leipzig. This number shows that even in a medical centre drowning incidents are only occasional incidents. Therefore it is important to know the sequelae and handlings to be able to react in case of an emergency. PATIENTS: A total of 44 children suffering a drowning accident within the last 48 hours who were treated during the period of 01.01.1994 through 30.06.2008 at the Children's Centre at the University of Leipzig. METHODS: A retrospective analysis using a structured questionnaire was done. Social demographic data, accident progress, clinical results and progress as well as outcome of the cases were investigated. RESULTS: During the analysed period in the median three children were treated each year after drowning incidents. Clustering in the summer and winter months and on the weekends was recognizable. The median age was 3.33 years and the group of high risk were children aged 1–3 years, especially boys. Sixty percent of the children came from stable social backgrounds. Half of the children suffered from drowning in created swimming pools or ponds, the rest in natural waters, public pools and sources of water in the household. The median submersion lasted 2 minutes. Correlation of submersions below 1 minute with a good, and submersions above 10 minutes with a negative outcome was shown. A Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 3 points (n = 15) and pupils without light reaction (n = 14) were associated with a lethal outcome or residual neurological deficits. Looking at the laboratory values, correlation between severe acidotic pH-values with a very low base excess, high blood sugar as well as high lactate values and a poor outcome is revealed. Six patients died within the first 24 hours, 6 more over the course suffering organ failure or brain death. Five children retained neurological damages. Twenty-seven children could be released from the clinic healthily. CONCLUSION: The risk of suffering a drowning incident is highest for boys aged 1–3 years, playing in the yard by themselves. Prognosis is depending on multiple factors and especially the circumstances of the accident. High influence is seen in the time of submersion and the need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Clinics and laboratory values at the time of hospital admittance may hint to the outcome. Basic life support at the scene of the accident has the highest impact on the outcome. Training of parents and supervisors in prevention and first aid after drowning incidents can avoid accidents.
机译:背景:在全球范围内,溺水是儿童意外死亡的第二大主要原因,也是儿童心血管衰竭的首要原因[1-3]。事故幸存了至少24小时的接近昏昏欲睡的人数被认为是事故的四倍[5]。从1994年到2008年,莱比锡大学儿童系共处理了44起溺水案件。这个数字表明,即使在医疗中心,溺水事件只是偶发事件。因此,重要的是要知道后遗症和处理方法在紧急情况下能够做出反应。患者:在过去的48小时内,共有44名儿童在1994年1月1日至2008年6月30日之间被淹死,并在莱比锡大学儿童中心接受了治疗。方法:使用结构化问卷进行回顾性分析。调查了社会人口统计数据,事故进展,临床结果和进展以及病例结局。结果:在分析期间,溺水事件发生后,每年对3名儿童进行治疗。在夏季和冬季以及周末都有群集。中位年龄为3.33岁,高危人群为1-3岁的儿童,尤其是男孩。 60%的儿童来自稳定的社会背景。一半的儿童被淹死在人工建造的游泳池或池塘中,其余的则淹没在天然水域,公共游泳池和家庭的水源中。中位潜水持续2分钟。显示了低于1分钟的浸入与良好的相关性,高于10分钟的浸入与阴性的相关性。格拉斯哥昏迷量表(GCS)为3分(n = 15),没有光反应的瞳孔(n = 14)与致死结果或残留的神经功能缺损相关。从实验室值来看,揭示了严重的酸中毒pH值与极低的碱过量,高血糖以及高乳酸值和不良结果之间的相关性。在最初的24小时内有6名患者死亡,整个过程中有6名患者遭受器官衰竭或脑死亡。五名儿童保留了神经系统损害。可以健康地将27名儿童从诊所中释放出来。结论:溺水事件的风险对于1至3岁的男孩来说是最高的,他们独自在院子里玩耍。预后取决于多种因素,尤其是事故的情况。在潜水时以及需要进行心肺复苏时,可以看到很大的影响。入院时的临床和实验室值可能暗示结果。事故现场的基本生命支持对结果的影响最大。溺水事件发生后,对父母和上司进行预防和急救方面的培训可以避免发生事故。



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