首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Research Communications >Ovine Metabolism of Saponins: Evaluation of a Method for Estimating the Ovine Uptake of Steroidal Saponins from Narthecium ossifragum

Ovine Metabolism of Saponins: Evaluation of a Method for Estimating the Ovine Uptake of Steroidal Saponins from Narthecium ossifragum

机译:皂角苷在绵羊体内的代谢:评估从纳豆(Nathecium ossifragum)吸收甾体皂苷的方法

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A sheep was dosed three times per day over six consecutive days with 70 g Narthecium ossifragum, and once on the seventh day with 70 g N. ossifragum. Additionally, it was dosed once on days 1–7 with 20 mg of [20,23,23-2H3]sarsasapogenin. After 7 days, the sheep was killed and GC-MS analysis of the free and conjugated sapogenin content in bile, urine, rumen, duodenum, jejunum, colon and rectum samples collected from the sheep, faecal samples collected on days 4–7, and dosed plant material was performed. The N. ossifragum contained mainly sarsasapogenin and smilagenin. Only negligible levels of deuterium-labelled sarsasapogenins were detected in the samples from the animal. Ingested saponins were quickly hydrolysed in the rumen to free sapogenins and, in part, epimerized at C-3 to afford episapogenins. The absorption of free sapogenins appeared to occur in the jejunum. The concentration of sapogenins in faeces reached a plateau 108 h after dosing started.
机译:连续六天每天给绵羊三剂,每次剂量为70克纳塔西克(Nathecium ossifragum),第七天一次,剂量为70克纳斯菌。此外,在第1-7天一次服用20毫克[20,23,23-2 H3 ] sarsasapogenin。 7天后,将绵羊处死,并通过GC-MS分析从绵羊中收集的胆汁,尿液,瘤胃,十二指肠,空肠,结肠和直肠样本,第4-7天收集的粪便样本中游离和结合的皂甙元含量进行定剂量的植物材料。猪笼草主要含有sarsasapogenin和smilagenin。在动物样品中检测到的氘标记的sarsasapogenins含量仅可忽略不计。摄入的皂苷在瘤胃中迅速水解成游离的皂苷元,并部分在C-3上差向异构,以提供表皂苷元。空肠中似乎发生了游离皂苷元的吸收。剂量开始后108小时,粪便中的皂甙元浓度达到稳定水平。



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