首页> 外文期刊>U.S. news & world report >American forces are poised to eliminate Saddam Hussein's ability to control the limited force he has left while facing the dangers of street-to-street warfare

American forces are poised to eliminate Saddam Hussein's ability to control the limited force he has left while facing the dangers of street-to-street warfare

机译:美军准备消灭萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)控制面对街巷之战危险时留下的有限部队的能力

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More than 1,200 years ago, when the tribal village of Baghdad was chosen as a capital city, it was called Madinat al-Salam, the City of Peace. Now, of course, the name hardly seems appropriate. The ancient city, partially obscured by smoke from oil trench fires and rocked by U.S. precision airstrikes, is paralyzed by the impending American assault. For the American soldiers who captured the beachhead at Saddam International Airport, their eyes are, quite literally, on the prize―the center of what remains of Saddam Hussein's brutal regime. Arrayed in front of them are many secrets―vast presidential palace compounds, hidden tunnels, deep underground bunkers, and, perhaps, the deadly weapons of mass destruction, the casus belli that prompted the American-led assault. "This guy is on his deathbed, literally and figuratively," a senior military officer at the Kuwait headquarters for U.S. ground forces told field commanders in a videoconference last week. "And we're not going to let go of his neck over the next couple days."
机译:1200多年前,当巴格达部落村庄被选为首都时,它被称为和平之城Madinat al-Salam。现在,当然,这个名字似乎不太合适。这座古老的城市被石油trench沟大火中的烟雾所遮盖,并被美国的精确空袭震撼,但即将来临的美国袭击使该城市瘫痪了。对于在萨达姆国际机场夺取滩头堡的美军士兵而言,他们的目光从字面上看是在奖品上—萨达姆·侯赛因残酷政权的遗迹中心。摆在他们面前的是许多秘密-巨大的总统府大院,隐藏的隧道,深深的地下掩体,也许还有致命的大规模杀伤性武器,是引起美国领导的袭击的大肚子。上周,在科威特美国地面部队总部的一名高级军官在电视会议上对现场指挥官说:“这个人从字面上和形象上都在死亡中。” “而且接下来的几天我们不会放开他的脖子。”



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