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Eco-EAR: A method for the economic analysis of urban water systems providing services


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In the context of new challenges and emerging needs for transparency regarding users, urban water management is obliged to forge links between different technical fields. This implies managing interfaces between multiple stakeholders on the one hand, and ensuring the adaptability and sustainability of technical infrastructures on the other hand. In a period dominated by public spending cuts, the optimisation and efficiency of the system's infrastructures and the organisation of the stakeholders involved has become important for guaranteeing the continuity of the services provided. From the economic viewpoint, this challenge is related to tracking and reducing costs. Moreover, it also concerns the need to communicate arguments related to service costs to both users and stakeholders. Consequently, the "Eco-EAR" method was developed by adapting Functional Analysis (FA), Activity Based Costing (ABC) and Whole Life Costing (WLC) approaches in view to describing how the direct costs of the sewerage service provided by wastewater utilities are structured. The cost structure is analysed according to the activities and physical flows comprising the primary and secondary functions of an urban water management system. Three goals are targeted: i) to explain the costs of the system to the local authority (owners) and users; ii) to identify the activities that have the greatest impact on costs in order to plan cost reduction actions; and iii) to assess the apportionment of costs per activity and per physical flow, in order to better understand the system by combining both its economic and technical dimensions. The performance indicators proposed by the "Eco-EAR" method could also be used for benchmarking. The method is implemented in a real case study: the sub-system territory around the city of Mulhouse (northeast France) under the responsibility of a water management authority.
机译:在新的挑战和对用户透明性的新需求的背景下,城市水管理必须在不同技术领域之间建立联系。这意味着一方面要管理多个利益相关者之间的接口,另一方面要确保技术基础架构的适应性和可持续性。在公共开支削减占主导的时期,系统基础设施的优化和效率以及所涉利益相关者的组织对于保证所提供服务的连续性变得至关重要。从经济角度来看,这一挑战与跟踪和降低成本有关。此外,它还涉及需要向用户和利益相关者传达与服务成本相关的论点。因此,“ Eco-EAR”方法是通过采用功能分析(FA),基于活动的成本核算(ABC)和整个生命周期成本(WLC)的方法开发的,目的是描述废水公用事业提供的污水处理服务的直接成本是如何结构化的。根据构成城市水管理系统主要功能和次要功能的活动和物理流量分析成本结构。目标是三个目标:i)向地方当局(所有者)和用户解释系统的成本; ii)确定对成本影响最大的活动,以计划降低成本的措施; iii)评估每项活动和每项物理流量的成本分配,以便通过结合经济和技术方面更好地了解该系统。 “ Eco-EAR”方法提出的性能指标也可以用于基准测试。该方法在实际案例研究中得以实现:在水管理当局的责任下,米卢斯市(法国东北部)周围的子系统领土。



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