首页> 外文期刊>Urban Studies >Place attachment as a motivation for community preservation: The demise of an old, bustling, Dubai community

Place attachment as a motivation for community preservation: The demise of an old, bustling, Dubai community


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This paper describes how Dubai's top-down redevelopment strategy affected residents of Sha'biyat Al Defaa' and Sha'biyat Al Shorta, or Army and Police Colony, a densely aging Dubai neighbourhood. The article draws on an original ethnographic case study, including field observation, interviews with residents and local press reports. Findings show that redevelopment demolished this old neighbourhood to appeal to economic elites without making any effort to preserve any of its social, economic or emotional value to residents or the larger community. In doing so, Dubai sacrificed the wellbeing of a vulnerable population. I draw on the concept of place attachment to interpret this case's significance for planning and preservation theory and practice. Place attachment conceptualises affective ties to both physical settings and the relationships and memories that such settings support. This study gives planners, policy makers and preservationists new evidence that attachment to land and community are important motivations for expanding historic preservation into concerns for community preservation. Conventionally, historic preservation concerns itself primarily with built landscapes; this paper argues that individuals' feelings and bonds to social settings can be used as engines for preservation. The paper concludes that Dubai's top-down planning model does not sensitively capture the needs of low-income communities. It argues that in advocating preservation and mitigating displacement impacts, city planners must pressure the state and developers for more affordable housing policies and projects, and must establish service programmes that provide technical and economic assistance to city residents who face eviction.
机译:本文介绍了迪拜自上而下的重建策略如何影响Sha'biyat Al Defaa'和Sha'biyat Al Shorta或陆军和警察殖民地(一个人口老龄化的迪拜社区)的居民。本文借鉴了原始的人种学案例研究,包括实地观察,居民采访和当地媒体报道。调查结果表明,重新开发摧毁了这个古老的街区,以吸引经济精英,而没有努力保持其对居民或整个社区的任何社会,经济或情感价值。迪拜为此牺牲了弱势群体的福祉。我将使用场所附着的概念来解释此案例对于规划和保护理论与实践的意义。场所附件概念化了与物理设置以及此类设置所支持的关系和记忆的情感联系。这项研究为计划者,政策制定者和保护主义者提供了新的证据,表明对土地和社区的依恋是将历史性保护扩展为社区保护关注的重要动机。按照惯例,历史保护本身主要涉及人造景观。本文认为,个人的情感和与社会环境的联系可以用作保存的引擎。该论文得出的结论是,迪拜的自上而下的规划模型无法敏感地满足低收入社区的需求。它认为,在倡导保护和减轻流离失所的影响时,城市规划者必须向国家和开发商施加压力,要求他们提供更多可负担的住房政策和项目,并且必须制定服务计划,向面临迁离的城市居民提供技术和经济援助。



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