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Moro departure leaves Bolsonaro exposed


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BRAZIL'S Supreme Court has given the green light to for an inquiry to begin into allegations that President Jair Bolsonaro sought to interfere with the upper echelons of the federal police for political gain, raising the prospect of yet another impeachment saga in the country. Justice Celso de Mello ordered the federal police to question former judge Sergio Moro over allegations he made when resigning as justice minister last week. Moro, who originally rose to fame in 2016 when he spearheaded the long-running anti-corruption purge known as Operation Car Wash, which resulted in the jailing scores of contractors, politicians and oil sector executives from a courtroom in the provin- cial city of Curitiba. Moro became a hero to many Brazilians as he used aggressive plea-bargaining strategies to help a team of federal prosecutors unearth a vast network of kickbacks on contracts with oil giant Petrobras and with other state-run energy companies.
机译:巴西最高法院已批准了这项调查,开始调查有关总统扎伊尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)试图干涉联邦警察高层以谋取政治利益的指控,这增加了该国再次弹each的可能性。塞尔索·德梅洛法官下令联邦警察对前法官塞尔吉奥·莫罗上周辞职时提出的指控提出质疑。莫罗(Moro)最初于2016年成名,当时他率先开展了名为反洗车行动(Operation Car Wash)的长期反腐败清洗行动,该行动导致数十名承包商,政界人士和石油部门高管从省会城市的法庭中入狱。库里提巴。莫罗成为许多巴西人的英雄,因为他使用积极的辩诉交易策略帮助一组联邦检察官挖掘与石油巨头巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)和其他国有能源公司的合同的大量回扣网络。



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