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FERC Boosts Natural Gas in Lieu of Alternative Fuels


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An order issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in December against state subsidies for nuclear and renewable energy - called "out-of-market subsidies" - apparently gives a big boost to electric utilities using natural gas and the pipelines that feed them. The "capacity order" issued by FERC allows PJM, the largest regional transmission organization (RTO) in the U.S., to essentially disregard state "clean energy" subsidies. This includes the increased use of alternative energy sources to ameliorate climate change, as it considers prices of energy sources when administering its wholesale capacity market covering 13 states. In capacity markets, generators bid for supply three years before that supply is needed. RTOs and their sister Independent System Operators (ISOs) in other regions, such as New England, are charged with assuring electricity is available at a reasonable cost and when needed in the states they cover.
机译:联邦能源管理委员会(FERC)于12月发布的一项针对国家对核能和可再生能源的补贴的命令(称为“市场外补贴”),显然极大地推动了使用天然气的电力公用事业以及向其供电的管道。 FERC发出的“容量命令”允许美国最大的区域输电组织(RTO)PJM实质上无视国家的“清洁能源”补贴。这包括增加使用替代能源来缓解气候变化,因为它在管理覆盖13个州的批发市场时会考虑能源价格。在容量市场中,发电机在需要供应的三年之前就竞标供应。 RTO及其在其他地区(例如新英格兰)的姊妹独立系统运营商(ISO)负责确保以合理的成本以及在所覆盖的州需要时以合理的价格提供电力。



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