首页> 外文期刊>Underground Construction >FERC's Moeller Presses Online Gas Trading Platform; Industry Unenthusiastic

FERC's Moeller Presses Online Gas Trading Platform; Industry Unenthusiastic


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FERC "pipeline" Commissioner Phillip Moeller held a workshop on Sept. 18, to explore the possibility of the commission, on its own or through a third party, setting up an online trading platform for the nomination and confirmation of pipeline deliveries of natural gas. The proposal was made earlier this year by Don Sipe, a Maine attorney, on behalf of the American Forest and Paper Association at a technical conference held on April 1. That workshop examined operational and resource issues in the gas and electric industries arising from this winter's polar vortex. Sipe served two terms as the chair of the New England Power Pool and served for over a decade as the vice chair of NEPOOL for the end use sector.
机译:FERC“管道”专员Phillip Moeller于9月18日举行了一个研讨会,以探讨该委员会独自或通过第三方进行的可能性,并建立了一个在线交易平台来提名和确认天然气的管道输送。该提案是由缅因州律师Don Sipe于今年早些时候在4月1日举行的一次技术会议上代表美国森林与造纸协会提出的。该研讨会研究了今年冬季天然气和电力行业的运营和资源问题。极地涡旋。 Sipe担任新英格兰电力联盟主席两届,并担任NEPOOL最终用途部门的副主席超过十年。



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