首页> 外文期刊>Tsinghua Science and Technology >Boltzmann equations with quantum effects (2): Entropy identity, existence and uniqueness of spatial decay solutions

Boltzmann equations with quantum effects (2): Entropy identity, existence and uniqueness of spatial decay solutions


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A previous study[l] is continued by investigating the Boltzmann equation for particles with quantum effects (BQE). First, the corresponding entropy identity is proved, then if the initial data f(x, v, 0) satisfies 0 ≤ f(x, v, 0) ≤ CΦ (x, v, 0) for a constant 0 < C < ∞ and function Φ(x, v, t), we prove the existence and uniqueness of spatial decay solutions of the BQE within a given function space B(Φ) using fixed point theory. Moreover, if there is a continuous function F(x, v) which belongs to a function set, then there exists a mild solution f(x, v, t) of the BQE such that f∞(x, v) = limf(x+ vt, v, t) = F(x, v). t→=∝
机译:通过研究具有量子效应(BQE)的粒子的玻尔兹曼方程,可以继续进行先前的研究[sup> [l] 。首先证明相应的熵恒等式,然后如果初始数据f(x,v,0)满足0≤f(x,v,0)≤CΦ(x,v,0)且常数0



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