首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >A Descriptive Study of Urban Rabies during the Civil War in Sierra Leone: 1995–2001

A Descriptive Study of Urban Rabies during the Civil War in Sierra Leone: 1995–2001


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A study was conducted to assess the effects of the breakdown in internal infrastructure on the incidence of canine-transmitted human rabies in urban areas of Sierra Leone during the course of the civil war between 1995 and 2001. Data from provincial hospitals in the Western Area and Southern Province indicated that there was a significant increase in the incidence of canine-transmitted urban human rabies χ2 = 39.63, p<0.0001, particularly among children χ2 = 23.73, p<0.0001, over the course of the war. In the Western Area in 2001, towards the end of the war, there was a significant increase in adult cases, which was reflected in the observed versus the expected χ2 ratio (70 versus 53). Interview-based questionnaire surveys in Freetown administered between 2001 and 2002 indicated that dogs were commonly kept for security reasons, and were largely unrestrained and unlicensed, regardless of the socioeconomic status of the owner. Virtually all dogs were unvaccinated and were mainly living in close proximity with humans. This study indicated that there is an urgent requirement for appropriate mass rabies vaccination campaigns for pet dogs and for campaigns to manipulate the urban habitat to control free-roaming and wandering but owned dog populations in Freetown and other urban areas in the provinces of Sierra Leone. Interview-based questionnaires administered in three districts of Freetown indicated a relatively high degree of uniformity in dog husbandry and veterinary care habits across a wide range of socioeconomic status categories in dog owners.
机译:进行了一项研究,以评估1995年至2001年内战期间内部基础设施的崩溃对塞拉利昂城市地区犬传播的人类狂犬病发病率的影响。西部地区各省医院的数据南部省份表明,在整个过程中,犬传播的城市人类狂犬病的发生率χ2 = 39.63,p <0.0001,尤其是儿童χ2 = 23.73,p <0.0001。战争。在战争结束前的2001年西部地区,成年病例显着增加,这反映在观察到的χ2比率与预期的χ2比率之间(70比53)。在2001年至2002年之间对弗里敦进行的基于访谈的问卷调查表明,出于安全原因,通常对狗进行饲养,无论主人的社会经济地位如何,狗大多不受约束和无牌。几乎所有的狗都没有接种疫苗,并且主要生活在与人类非常接近的地方。这项研究表明,迫切需要对宠物狗进行适当的大规模狂犬病疫苗接种运动,以及在弗里敦和塞拉利昂省其他城市地区操纵城市栖息地以控制自由漫游和流浪但拥有狗群的运动。在弗里敦的三个地区进行的基于访谈的问卷调查表明,在犬主的各种社会经济地位类别中,犬业和兽医护理习惯的一致性较高。



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