首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Ovulatory Response and Embryo Yield in Jakhrana Goats Following Treatments with PMSG and FSH

Ovulatory Response and Embryo Yield in Jakhrana Goats Following Treatments with PMSG and FSH


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Superovulatory response and embryo production efficacy were investigated in adult (age 2–4 years, average body weight: 27–43 kg) cycling Jakhrana goats (n = 15) under semi-arid environmental conditions of India by administering different superovulatory regimens. Goats were reared under semi-intensive system of management in established farm conditions. To synchronize oestrus, a luteolytic dose of carboprost tromethamine (Upjohn, UK) was administered intramuscularly to all does at the dose rate of 5μg per kg body weight in a double dose schedule with an interval of 11 days. For superovulation, 750 IU of PMSG (Folligon, Intervet, Boxmeer, Holland) per goat was administered intramuscularly 24 h before administering a second dose of luteolytic agent in five does (treatment 1). FSH (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) 12.50 IU per goat was administered intramuscularly in a decreasing daily dose schedule (2.50, 2.50; 1.875, 1.875; 1.25, 1.25; 0.625, 0.625) at 12 h intervals over four days, initiated 48 h before administering second dose of carboprost tromethamine in 5 does (treatment 2). FSH (Super-Ov, Ausa Intern, USA) was administered at a uniform dose rate of 8.33 units per goat intramuscularly at 24 h intervals over three consecutive days (total dose was 25 units), initiated 48 h before administering a second dose of carboprost tromethamine in 5 does (treatment 3). To synchronize ovulation in responders, human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG, Chorulon, Intervet) was injected intramuscularly at a dose rate of 500 IU in each goat on the day of oestrus appearance. Goats were laparotomized 72–82 h following the onset of synchronized oestrus and their genitalia were flushed using a standard collection procedure. Variability (p > 0.05) in superovulatory response (number of established corpora lutea) was observed: FSH (Sigma), 11.8± 2.9; FSH (Super-Ov), 11.6±4.5; PMSG (Intervet), 8.4±2.3. A similar pattern was reflected in mean embryo and transferable embryo recovery, respectively (p > 0.05): FSH (Sigma), 8.0±1.8, 5.2±1.7; FSH (Super-Ov), 6.6±2.4, 5.4±2.4; PMSG, 5.8±1.9, 3.8±2.2. In PMSG-treated does, comparatively more unfertilized ova or retarded embryos were recovered than in FSH-treated does. The superiority of FSH preparations over PMSG was reflected in terms of total and transferable embryo production (p > 0.05). On average, five transferable embryos (excellent and good quality) were recovered per doe treated with FSH of either source. The mean ova/embryo recovery was satisfactory (55–68%). Results indicated that Jakhrana goats can be superovulated for embryo production using FSH of either source to augment productivity.
机译:在印度半干旱环境条件下,通过施用不同的超排卵方案,对成年(2-4岁,平均体重:27–43 kg)骑行的Jakhrana山羊(n = 15)进行了超排卵反应和胚胎生产功效的研究。在确定的农场条件下,采用半精养管理系统饲养山羊。为了使发情同步,以双剂量方案每11公斤体重5μg的剂量对所有剂量肌内注射黄体溶解剂量的卡巴前列酮三甲胺(英国Upjohn,英国)。对于超排卵,每只山羊在24小时内肌内注射750 IU PMSG(Folligon,Intervet,Boxmeer,荷兰),然后在5剂中施用第二剂溶血剂(治疗1)。 FSH(Sigma,St.Louis,MO,USA)每只山羊以每天递减的剂量方案(2.50,2.50; 1.875,1.875; 1.25,1.25; 0.625,0.625)肌肉注射,每隔12小时连续四天,在5剂量中第二次施用卡波前列酮三甲胺之前48小时开始(治疗2)。 FSH(Super-Ov,Ausa Intern,USA)在连续第二天的24小时间隔内以每只山羊肌肉8.33单位的均匀剂量率进行肌肉注射(总剂量为25单位),开始于第二次服用卡波前列素48小时氨丁三醇5次(治疗3)。为了使应答者的排卵同步,在发情出现当天,以每只山羊500 IU的剂量肌注人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG,Chorulon,Intervet)。同步发情发作后72–82 h对山羊进行腹腔切开术,并使用标准收集程序冲洗其生殖器。观察到超排卵反应(建立的语料库数)的变化(p> 0.05):FSH(西格玛),11.8±2.9; FSH(Super-Ov),11.6±4.5; PMSG(Intervet),8.4±2.3。类似的模式分别反映在平均胚胎恢复率和可移植胚胎恢复率上(p> 0.05):FSH(西格玛),8.0±1.8,5.2±1.7; FSH(Super-Ov),6.6±2.4,5.4±2.4; PMSG,5.8±1.9,3.8±2.2。在PMSG处理的动物中,与FSH处理的动物相比,回收了更多未受精的卵或发育迟缓的胚胎。 FSH制剂相对于PMSG的优越性体现在胚胎总数和可移植胚胎产量方面(p> 0.05)。平均而言,用任一来源的FSH处理过的每只母鹿都能回收到五个可移植的胚胎(优良和优质)。卵子/胚胎的平均恢复令人满意(55-68%)。结果表明,使用任一来源的FSH均可超排卵Jakhrana山羊以生产胚,以提高生产率。



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