首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >The effect of temperature and humidity on longevity of metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica

The effect of temperature and humidity on longevity of metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica

机译:温度和湿度对巨大Fasciola gigantica cer虫的寿命的影响

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Studies were undertaken on the viability of the metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica when stored in water at 13˚C for periods up to 23 weeks, exposed to the sunlight for up to 8 h or stored at a range of temperatures and humidities for up to 10 weeks. Excysted metacercariae were catergorized microscopically as viable (motile and undamaged), dubious (not motile and undamaged) or dead (visible necrosis). The infectivity of viable and dubious metacercariae and unselected reference metacercariae held in water at 7˚C for 20 days or longer was assessed by comparing numbers of flukes recovered from infected Merino sheep. Mean recovery rates were 54.6%, 7.2% and 37.2%, respectively, for viable, dubious and unselected metacercariae. Metacercariae immersed in water remained viable longer than those allowed to desiccate. Viability was promoted by decreasing temperature and increasing humidity. Exposure to direct sunlight killed metacercariae within 8 h. Results indicated that in lowland Indonesian irrigated rice paddies, metacercariae immersed in water are likely to survive for less than 5 weeks while those that become desiccated will survive less than 2 weeks. This information, together with the option of exposing fresh rice stalks to direct sunlight before feeding them to livestock, can assist farmers in reducing infection with F. gigantica.
机译:研究了巨大的Fasciola gigantica的cer尾aria在13°C的水中保存长达23周,暴露于阳光下长达8h或在一定温度和湿度下保存时的生存能力。长达10周。显微镜下将囊肿的尾cer虫分为活的(活动的和未损坏的),可疑的(活动的和未损坏的)或死亡的(可见的坏死)。通过比较从受感染的美利奴羊中回收的吸虫的数量,评估了存活且可疑的尾cer和未选择的参meta在7℃保持20天或更长时间的传染性。存活,可疑和未选择的meta尾meta的平均回收率分别为54.6%,7.2%和37.2%。浸泡在水中的尾cer的存活时间比允许干燥的更长。通过降低温度和增加湿度来提高生存能力。暴露于直射阳光下8小时内杀死了尾cer。结果表明,在印度尼西亚低地灌溉的稻田中,浸泡在水中的尾cer可能存活不到5周,而被干燥的稻纵aria将存活不到2周。该信息以及将新鲜稻杆在喂入家畜之前将其暴露在直射阳光下的选项,可以帮助农民减少对巨大巨镰刀菌的感染。



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