首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Prevalence of Leptospira interrogans antibodies in free-ranging Tayassu pecari of the Southern Pantanal, Brazil, an ecosystem where wildlife and cattle interact

Prevalence of Leptospira interrogans antibodies in free-ranging Tayassu pecari of the Southern Pantanal, Brazil, an ecosystem where wildlife and cattle interact

机译:问号钩端螺旋体抗体在巴西潘塔纳尔南部自由放养的Tayassu pecari中的流行

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We surveyed a wild population of white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) in the Brazilian Pantanal for evidence of Leptospira interrogans. Serum samples from 71 free-ranging T. pecari were obtained between 2003 and 2005 in the southern Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul state. We used microscopic microagglutination to test for antibodies against 14 L. interrogans serovars (antibody titers ≥1:100 were considered seropositive). Seventy percent of captured animals tested positive for leptospirosis antibodies. Antibodies against icterohaemorrhagiae and autumnalis serovars were the most prevalent. We used log-linear analyses to test for associations among seropositivity, age class, and sex of captured animals. Seropositivity was strongly associated with animal age class, but independent of sex. Forty-six percent of animals less than 2 years old, 63% of adults during peak reproductive years, and 100% of the oldest age class were seropositive. A nonparametric multivariate procedure (MRPP) showed that the composition of serovar antibody types changed with age, and ANOVA models demonstrated that antibody titers increased with age, suggesting long-term exposure to a greater number and variety (i.e., serovar types) of L. interrogans infections. This study presents the first quantitative survey of antibodies against L. interrogans serovars in a T. pecari population of the Pantanal. The high prevalence of leptospirosis antibodies in free-ranging white-lipped peccaries and the potential impacts on reproduction and population dynamics emphasize the need for further studies investigating the roles of Pantanal wildlife and livestock in the transmission and maintenance of L. interrogans in the environment.
机译:我们调查了巴西潘塔纳尔湿地野生白唇野猪(Tayassu pecari)的种群,以寻找问号钩端螺旋体。 2003年至2005年间,从南马托格罗索州潘塔纳尔湿地采集了71株自由分布的T. pecari血清样品。我们使用显微微凝集试验来检测针对14个问号乳杆菌血清型的抗体(抗体滴度≥1:100被认为是血清阳性的)。捕获的动物中有百分之七十的钩端螺旋体抗体呈阳性。抗黄疸出血和秋季血清型的抗体最为普遍。我们使用对数线性分析来测试血清阳性,年龄和性别之间的关联。血清阳性与动物年龄段密切相关,但与性别无关。年龄在2岁以下的动物中有46%,在生殖高峰期的成年人中有63%,以及最老的年龄组中的100%是血清反应阳性的。非参数多元程序(MRPP)显示,血清抗体类型的组成随年龄变化,而ANOVA模型表明抗体效价随年龄增加,这表明长期暴露于更大数量和种类(即血清类型)的L。询问者感染。这项研究提出了潘塔纳尔羚羊T. pecari种群中针对问号乳酸杆菌血清抗体的首次定量研究。钩端螺旋体病抗体在放养的白唇果蝇中高度流行,并且对繁殖和种群动态有潜在影响,这强调有必要进一步研究潘塔纳尔野生生物和牲畜在环境中询问人乳杆菌的传播和维持中的作用。



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