首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >The value of Leucaena leucocephala bark in leucaena—grass hay diets for Thai goats

The value of Leucaena leucocephala bark in leucaena—grass hay diets for Thai goats


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The study assessed the value of Leucaena leucocephala bark in leucaena—grass hay diets fed to Thai goats. Thai goats in metabolism pens were fed diets containing leucaena leaf (55%) + pangola grass hay (hay, 45%); leucaena leaf (48%) + leucaena bark (9%) + hay (43%); leucaena bark (57%) + hay (43%); and hay only. Feed percentages are expressed on a dry weight basis. The digestibilities of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) were measured for the four diets. Leucaena bark had lower CP concentration than the leaf (11.7 vs. 25.9), and the leucaena bark + hay diet had lower DM and CP digestibility than the other diets. The calculated bark digestibilities of DM and CP of 44.1% and 38.2%, respectively, were much lower than the values for the leucaena leaf of 62.9% and 89.1%, respectively. The lower than expected CP digestibility was attributed to higher tannin levels in the bark compared to the leaves. Despite this, the bark was well accepted by the goats and was often preferred to the hay. Stripping of the bark by goats also results in stems that dry quicker and have higher calorific value as fuel. However, if leucaena branches are fed as a sole diet, the goats may consume up to 30% of bark on a DM basis and this would reduce nutritive value and animal productivity.
机译:该研究评估了银合欢树皮在饲喂泰国山羊草的干草合欢日粮中的价值。饲喂新陈代谢圈中的泰国山羊,饲喂含银合欢叶(55%)+邦戈拉草干草(干草,45%)的饲料;银合欢叶(48%)+银合欢树皮(9%)+干草(43%);银合欢树皮(57%)+干草(43%);和干草。饲料百分比以干重为基础。测定了四种日粮的干物质(DM)和粗蛋白(CP)的消化率。银合欢树皮的CP浓度低于叶(分别为11.7和25.9),银合欢树皮+干草日粮的DM和CP消化率低于其他日粮。 DM和CP的树皮消化率分别为44.1%和38.2%,远低于白叶树叶的62.9%和89.1%。与叶片相比,CP消化率低于预期是由于树皮中单宁含量较高。尽管如此,树皮仍被山羊很好地接受,并且通常比干草更受青睐。山羊剥去树皮还会使茎干更快,并具有更高的发热量作为燃料。但是,如果仅以白桦树枝作为日粮饲喂,则以干物质为基础,山羊可能会消耗多达30%的树皮,这会降低营养价值和动物生产力。



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