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Inheritance of foliar stable carbon isotope discrimination and third-year height in Pinus taeda clones on contrasting sites in Florida and Georgia

机译:在佛罗里达州和乔治亚州对比点的taeda taeda克隆中叶稳定碳同位素歧视和三年高度的遗传

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Quantifying foliar stable carbon isotope discrimination (A) is a powerful approach for understanding genetic variation in gas exchange traits in large populations. The genetic architecture of △ and third-year height is described for more than 1,000 clones of Pinus taeda tested on two contrasting sites, h~2 for A was 0.14 (±0.03), 0.20 (±0.07), and 0.09 (±0.04) at Florida, Georgia, and across sites, respectively. H2 for stable carbon isotope discrimination ranged from 0.25 (±0.03) at the Florida site to 0.33 (±0.03) at the Georgia site, while the across-site estimate of H~2 was 0.19 (±0.02). For third-year height, h~2 ranged from 0.13 (±0.05) at the Georgia site to 0.20 (±0.06) at the Florida site with an across-site estimate of 0.09 (±0.05). Broad-sense heritability estimates for third-year height were 0.23 (±0.03), 0.28 (±0.03), and 0.13 (±0.02) at the Florida site, Georgia site, and across sites, respectively. Type B total genetic correlation for △ was 0.70±0.06, indicating that clonal rankings were relatively stable across sites, while for third-year height, rankings of clones were more unstable across the two trials (r_(BTG); = 0.55 ± 0.08). Third-year height and A were negatively correlated at the parental (r_(add) = -0.42 ± 0.33), full-sib family (r_(FS) = -0.54± 0.25), and clonal (r_(tg) =-0.30 ± 0.11) levels, suggesting that genetic variation for △ in P. taeda may be a result of differences in photosynthetic capacity. We conclude that △ may be a useful selection trait to improve water-use efficiency and for guiding deployment decisions in P. taeda.
机译:量化叶面稳定碳同位素的判别力(A)是了解大型人群气体交换性状遗传变异的有力方法。描述了在两个对比位点上测试的1,000多个taeda taeda克隆的△和第三年高度的遗传结构,A的h〜2为0.14(±0.03),0.20(±0.07)和0.09(±0.04)分别位于佛罗里达州,乔治亚州和其他地区。对于稳定碳同位素判别而言,H2的范围从佛罗里达州的0.25(±0.03)到乔治亚州的0.33(±0.03),而跨站点的H〜2估计值为0.19(±0.02)。对于第三年身高,h〜2范围从乔治亚州站点的0.13(±0.05)到佛罗里达站点的0.20(±0.06),跨站点估计为0.09(±0.05)。在佛罗里达州,佐治亚州和跨州,第三年高度的广义遗传力估计分别为0.23(±0.03),0.28(±0.03)和0.13(±0.02)。 △的B型总遗传相关性为0.70±0.06,表明克隆位点在各个位点上相对稳定,而对于第三年身高,在两次试验中克隆位点更加不稳定(r_(BTG); = 0.55±0.08) 。父母身高(r_(add)= -0.42±0.33),同胞全家(r_(FS)= -0.54±0.25)和无性系(r_(tg)= -0.30)的第三年身高和A呈负相关。 ±0.11)水平,这表明ta.taeda中△的遗传变异可能是光合能力差异的结果。我们得出结论,△可能是提高水利用效率和指导ta.taeda的部署决策的有用选择性状。



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