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Venting anger in cyberspace: Self-entitlement versus self-preservation in #roadrage tweets


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The increase in the popularity of social media and access to portable smart-technology means more drivers are using forums to vent their frustrations about driving. A content analysis was performed on 80,923 twitter posts relating to road rage collected over a 13-month period. The aim was to understand what sources of anger drivers report on social media. Approximately two thirds of the analysed tweets related directly to anger over another driver perceived as a perpetrator of inappropriate behaviour. Judgements of the improper speed of other drivers were the most common tweets. However, a general attitude also emerged where other drivers were seen as "idiots," "unskilled," and "should not be driving." Such a downward comparison is likely to predispose drivers to unjustly blame other drivers for frustrating situations that may be out of their control. Twitter appears to be a social media forum commonly used to vent anger by drivers. Posts ranged from text message, a photo of the offending vehicle or of the driver, or a 6-s video filmed while driving. The sample of tweeted angry comments indicated that many drivers used smart technology to express their anger. However, the motivation behind this action may vary and may be to express anger, report the incident, or to warn the public. The findings highlight the need for further research to understand the prevalence and danger of anger-provoked distraction with smart technology. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:社交媒体的普及和对便携式智能技术的访问意味着越来越多的驾驶员正在使用论坛来发泄对驾驶的沮丧情绪。对13个月内收集的80,923条与道路愤怒相关的Twitter帖子进行了内容分析。目的是了解哪些愤怒源驱动程序在社交媒体上报道。分析的推文中大约有三分之二直接与对另一名被视为不当行为的肇事者的愤怒有关。关于其他驾驶员速度不正确的判断是最常见的推文。但是,也出现了一种普遍的态度,即其他驾驶员被视为“白痴”,“技术不熟练”和“不应驾驶”。这种向下的比较很可能使驾驶员容易将无法控制的令人沮丧的情况归咎于其他驾驶员。 Twitter似乎是一个社交媒体论坛,通常用于发泄驾驶员的愤怒。张贴内容包括文字讯息,违规车辆或驾驶员的照片,或驾驶时拍摄的6秒钟视频。发推特愤怒评论的样本表明,许多驾驶员使用智能技术来表达他们的愤怒。但是,此操作背后的动机可能会有所不同,可能是表达愤怒,举报事件或警告公众。这些发现强调了需要进行进一步的研究,以了解使用智能技术引起愤怒分心的普遍性和危险性。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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