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The effect of fuel prices on traffic flows: Evidence from New South Wales


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Understanding how traffic flows respond to fuel price changes is useful for traffic management. This study uses a dataset of 11.9 million hourly observations from 118 traffic count stations over 2010-2017 to investigate the relationship between gasoline prices and traffic flows in the state of New South Wales, Australia. The findings suggest that higher gasoline prices reduce traffic flows, with an average effect size of 0.04 in the hourly estimates. The elasticity is particularly pronounced during off-peak periods, both on weekdays (0.10) and weekends (0.07). In contrast, a positive effect of gasoline prices on traffic flows is observed for peak periods on weekdays (0.06). Evidence is also obtained that afternoon peak-hour speeds are faster when gasoline prices are higher, consistent with a lowering of traffic density. The research also finds a negative price elasticity of gasoline demand and that people are more likely to use public transport when gasoline prices are higher. The findings suggest that fuel excise plays a role in both reducing overall road dependence and alleviating the severity of some peak-hour traffic jams.
机译:了解流量流量如何应对燃料价格变动对于交通管理是有用的。本研究采用了来自2010 - 2017年118个交通计数站的1180万小时观测的数据集,以研究澳大利亚新南威尔士州汽油价格与交通流动之间的关系。调查结果表明,汽油价格较高减少交通流量,平均效果大小为每小时估算。在工作日(0.10)和周末(0.07)时,弹性在非高峰期间特别明显。相比之下,平日的高峰期观察到汽油价格对交通流量的积极影响(0.06)。当汽油价格较高时,下午峰值小时速度的次数速度较快,符合交通密度的降低。该研究还发现汽油需求的负价格弹性,当汽油价格更高时,人们更有可能使用公共交通工具。调查结果表明,燃料消耗在减少整体道路依赖并减轻一些高峰时段交通拥堵的严重程度中起着作用。



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