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The value of slow travel: Economic appraisal of cycling projects using the logsum measure of consumer surplus


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Walking and cycling have clear benefits for users, even though they may be slower than other transport modes. However, these user benefits could be undervalued using traditional economic appraisal, in which speed increases or travel time savings are highly valued. This paper explores the use of the logsum measure of consumer surplus for valuing the user benefits of new active transport infrastructure, using new separated cycleways in Sydney (Australia) as a case study. The results suggest the value of user benefits can be significant - of a similar order of magnitude to the estimated value of the public health benefits - and it becomes more pronounced as cycleways are integrated into a connected network. The method could be used to inform transportation investment policy decisions in other jurisdictions, where suitable travel survey data are available.
机译:步行和骑自行车对用户有明显的益处,即使它们可能比其他运输方式慢。然而,这些用户的益处可能会使用传统的经济评估而被低估,其中速度增加或旅行时间储蓄受到高度重视。本文探讨了使用悉尼(澳大利亚)的新分离的Consocations作为案例研究来利用消费者盈余的利用衡量来评估新的积极运输基础设施的利益。结果表明用户福利的价值可能是显着的 - 与公共卫生福利的估计值相似的数量级 - 并且随着Corifways集成到连接的网络中,它变得更加明显。该方法可用于通知其他司法管辖区的运输投资政策决策,其中提供适当的旅行调查数据。



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