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The Opportunities for Adopting Inflation Targeting in Tunisia: a Cointegration Study and Transmission Channels of Monetary Policy


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The major aim of this paper is to analyze, at a first stage, the trend of inflation in Tunisia, then to conduct an overview of inflation measures and, to develop a simple inflation forecasting by applying the Box and Jenkins (Time series analysis: forecasting and control. Holden day, San Francisco, 1976) method. It is essential to understand the dynamics of the core and global inflation, and to explore the relationships that may undermine cointegration inflation via the Engle and Granger (Econometrica 55:251-276, 1987) and Johansen (J Econ Dyn Control 12:231-254, 1988) methods on control variables during a recent monthly period, ranging from 1996 to 2006. Concerning the Tunisian case, and by retracing the similar study conducted by Ndiyae and Badji (Les determinants de l'inflation au Senegal: Approche par les fonctions de consommations, Agence nationale de la statistique et de la methodologie, 2008), the results have shown the existence of just a single cointegration relationship between the variables concerning a short term and long-term dynamics. Moreover, within the same spirit, a structural analysis based on structural VAR of Blanchard and Quah (Am Econ Rev 79:655-673, 1989) method has managed to identify the shocks impact on the supply and demand variables on the consumer prices index through the study of transmission channels of monetary policy. The outcomes have exposed that the relatively low impact degree of control variables on inflation in Tunisia is consistent with those carried out by Gupta and Komen (Time aggregation and the contradictions with causal relationships: can economic theory come to the rescue? 2008).
机译:本文的主要目的是在第一阶段分析突尼斯的通货膨胀趋势,然后对通货膨胀措施进行概述,并通过使用Box和Jenkins(时间序列分析:预测)来开发简单的通货膨胀预测。 (Holden day,San Francisco,1976)方法。了解核心和全球通胀的动态,并通过Engle和Granger(Econometrica 55:251-276,1987)和Johansen(J Econ Dyn Control 12:231-)探索可能破坏协整通胀的关系至关重要。 1974年第254号决议)在最近的一个月(从1996年到2006年)期间采用控制变量的方法。关于突尼斯案,并追溯了Ndiyae和Badji进行的类似研究(塞内加尔的Le de determinants de l'inflation au:塞内加尔的解决方案)总结,国家统计局等,2008年),结果表明短期和长期动态变量之间仅存在单一协整关系。此外,本着同样的精神,基于Blanchard和Quah(Am Econ Rev 79:655-673,1989)方法的结构VAR进行的结构分析已成功地通过以下方法识别了对供需变量的影响:货币政策传导渠道的研究。结果表明,突尼斯控制变量对通货膨胀的影响程度相对较低,这与古普塔和科门所进行的一致(时间聚合和因果关系的矛盾:经济理论是否可以解救?2008)。



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