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Measuring the Role of Central and Eastern European Countries in World Drug Research


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This paper explores the sociological behavior of firms in the pharmaceutical industry in Central and Eastern Europe as measured by funding linkages. Using the ISI Web of Science data-base, the number of research papers funded by top American and European Pharmaceuticals with at least one author from Central and Eastern Europe are identified. Results indicate that Poland leads in the region by both the number of papers funded and by percentage of a firm's total papers funded, followed closely by Hungary, Greece and the Czech Republic. Though the percentages of any firm's linkages with a Central and Eastern European author are small (upper limit being 6.6%), this percentage is skewed due to the fact that the US is cited for 50% of papers for most firms. Roche Corporation is the top funder of papers among both US and European firms. Incidentally, zero top American phar-maceuticals were found to have an R&D center located in Central and Eastern Europe whereas European firms: GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi-Aventis do-possibly indicating a difference in business strategy between European and American Pharmaceuticals.
机译:本文探讨了中欧和东欧制药行业公司的社会行为,通过融资联系来衡量。使用ISI Web of Science数据库,可以确定由美国和欧洲顶级制药公司资助的研究论文的数量,其中至少有1名来自中欧和东欧的作者。结果表明,波兰在该地区的资助论文数量和公司资助论文总数的百分比方面均居该地区之首,匈牙利,希腊和捷克共和国紧随其后。尽管任何一家公司与中欧和东欧作者的联系比例很小(上限为6.6%),但由于大多数公司的50%的论文都引用了美国的事实,所以这一比例是偏斜的。罗氏公司是美国和欧洲公司中最大的论文出资者。顺便提一句,发现零关税的美国制药公司在中欧和东欧设有研发中心,而欧洲公司:葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)和赛诺菲-安万特(Sanofi-Aventis)确实表明,欧洲和美国制药公司的业务策略有所不同。



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