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XML's Chicken-and-Egg Problem Solved?


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The world of XML development surely doesn't suffer from a lack of ideas. Name an industry, and I can name at least one XML initiative that is designed to solve its problems. These range from the broad (RosettaNet for trading networks) to the highly particular (the Bioinformatics Sequence Markup Language) to the whimsical (Facial Animation Markup Language, and, no, I am not kidding). Sometimes I wonder if the XML community should not be so prolific and should instead focus on mastering a few key initiatives. For example, in my last column I wrote about XBRL, the extensible Business Reporting Language. The FDIC has directed the banks it oversees to use XBRL to report their performance and results. XBRL-encoded financial reports are both human and machine readable and can undergo efficient computer analyses that can't be matched by conventional manual approaches.
机译:XML开发领域肯定不会缺少思想。命名一个行业,我至少可以命名一个旨在解决其问题的XML倡议。从广泛的(用于交易网络的RosettaNet)到非常特殊的(生物信息学序列标记语言)到异想天开的(面部动画标记语言,不,我不是在开玩笑)。有时我想知道XML社区是否应该这么多产,而应该专注于掌握一些关键计划。例如,在上一专栏中,我写了关于XBRL(可扩展的业务报告语言)的信息。 FDIC已指示其监管的银行使用XBRL报告其业绩和业绩。 XBRL编码的财务报告既可以人工读取,也可以通过机器读取,并且可以进行有效的计算机分析,而传统的手动方法无法匹配这些分析。



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