
Nebraska Academy Of Sciences, Inc.


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The membership of the Academy consists of those individuals and institutions interested in science and those persons actively working and contributing to science in the State of Nebraska. It includes nonprofessional persons, as well as representatives from education, the professions, industry, and governmental agencies.rnThe Academy was organized in 1880 in Omaha with seventy-five charter members, and reorganized in 1891 in Lincoln. The Academy was incorporated in 1950 as a nonprofit educational institution, and it is neither a state agency nor is it sponsored by any particular university, college, or other Nebraska educational organization. In 1963, the Internal Revenue Service established the Academy's rating as "Section 501(c) (3)" of the Internal Revenue Code. The Policy Committee of the Academy is made up of one representative from each of the colleges and universities of the State.
机译:该学院的成员包括对科学感兴趣的个人和机构,以及在内布拉斯加州积极从事科学工作和为科学做出贡献的人们。该学院包括非专业人士以及教育,专业,行业和政府机构的代表。该学院于1880年在奥马哈成立,当时有75名宪章成员,并于1891年在林肯进行了重组。该学院成立于1950年,是一家非营利性的教育机构,既不是国家机构,也不是由任何特定的大学,学院或其他内布拉斯加州的教育组织赞助。 1963年,美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)将该学院的评级定为《国内税收法》的“ 501(c)(3)节”。该学院的政策委员会由国家各高校的一名代表组成。



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