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Spent Fuel Removal and Transfer for Hanford 324 Building Deactivation


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Beginning in 1985, light water reactor (LWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) has undergone destructive and non-destructive examination in hot cells at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford 324 Building Radiochemical Engineering Complex. The fuel was initially delivered to the 324 Building for fuel repository and fuel processing studies. The LWR SNF inventory consisted of seven commercial fuel assemblies and 32 loose, intact fuel rods originating from one Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) and two Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) facilities. Under DOE direction, the 324 Building is being deactivated and decommissioned by the building's operating contractor, Fluor Hanford. A recently completed phase of this cleanup effort required the SNF inventory to be inspected, reconfigured as required, packaged, and shipped to the Hanford 200 Area Interim Storage Area (ISA), consistent with Hanford site requirements for on-site radioactive material transport and interim dry storage. This paper discusses the unique remote tooling and innovative packaging methodologies developed and recently deployed to successfully remove and store the 324 Building SNF inventory.
机译:从1985年开始,轻水反应堆(LWR)乏核燃料(SNF)在美国能源部(DOE)汉福德324建筑放射化学工程综合体的热室中进行了破坏性和非破坏性检查。最初将燃料输送到324大楼进行燃料储存和燃料加工研究。轻水堆SNF库存包括七个商业燃料组件和32个松散的完整燃料棒,它们来自一个沸水反应堆(BWR)和两个压水反应堆(PWR)设施。在DOE的指导下,该建筑物的运营承包商Fluor Hanford将324号建筑物停用和退役。此清理工作的最近完成阶段要求对SNF库存进行检查,按要求重新配置,包装并运输到Hanford 200区域临时存储区(ISA),这与Hanford现场对放射性物质的运输和临时要求保持一致干燥储存。本文讨论了为成功删除和存储324 Building SNF库存而开发和最近部署的独特的远程工具和创新的包装方法。



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