首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American nuclear society >Pushing the Metrological Frontiers of NAA: A Thirty-Year Effort to Improve Accuracy, Uncertainty and Detection Limits, invited

Pushing the Metrological Frontiers of NAA: A Thirty-Year Effort to Improve Accuracy, Uncertainty and Detection Limits, invited


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Although the first use of NAA at NBS/NIST to certify a Standard Reference Material (SRM) was nearly 40 years ago, INAA and RNAA measurement uncertainties (other than precision) were originally not considered. This began to change about thirty years ago, when the first effort to evaluate all uncertainty components for an INAA certification of an SRM was attempted for the NBS Urban Particulate Matter, SRM 1648 (1). Since that time, efforts have continued to understand, quantify, reduce, and document all uncertainty components for NAA measurements to the point where NAA could be considered a "Primary Method of Measurement" as defined by the VIM (2).
机译:尽管NAS / NIST首次使用NAA认证标准参考材料(SRM)已有40年的历史,但最初并未考虑INAA和RNAA测量的不确定性(精度除外)。大约30年前,当NBS城市颗粒物SRM 1648(1)尝试首次尝试评估所有不确定性分量以进行SRM的INAA认证时,情况就开始改变。从那时起,人们一直在努力理解,量化,减少和记录NAA测量的所有不确定性成分,以至于可以将NAA视为VIM(2)定义的“主要测量方法”。



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