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Acute toxicity of the synthetic pyrethroid pesticide fenvalerate to some air breathing fishes


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Lethal concentrations (LC50) of a synthetic pyrethroid pesticide, fenvalerate, for three species of air breathing fish Clarias batrachus, Channa punctatus and Heteropneustes fossilis were determined under water and acetone soluble condition in the laboratory using the static bioassay procedure of the American Public Health Association (APHA,1995). Acetone soluble fenvalerate was found more toxic than the water-soluble fenvalerate irrespective of species and exposure periods. The LC50 value upon 96 days exposure to acetone soluble fenvalerate for C. batrachus, Channa C. punctatus and Heteropneustes H. fossilis were 1.35, 1.0 and 0.65 µg L−1, respectively. It is concluded from the present study that fenvalerate is highly toxic even to the hardy air breathing fishes and the pesticide, when dissolved in water, remains photostable and active to render toxicity for long duration.
机译:在实验室中,使用水和丙酮在静态条件下测定了合成的拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂氰戊菊酯的致命浓度(LC 50 )对三种呼吸类鱼类克拉氏芽孢杆菌,马齿Chan和杂藻的化石的致死浓度。美国公共卫生协会的生物测定程序(APHA,1995年)。不论种类和接触时间长短,发现丙酮可溶性氰戊菊酯比水溶性氰戊菊酯毒性更大。暴露于丙酮可溶的氰戊菊酯的C. batrachus,香椿C.点状和H.opneustes H.化石96天后LC 50 值为1.35,1.0和0.65微克L ˆ’1 。从本研究得出的结论是,即使对强壮的呼吸鱼类而言,氰戊菊酯也具有很高的毒性,而农药溶解在水中后,仍然具有光稳定性,并具有很长的毒性。



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