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The relentless link between neighbourhoods and segregation: what are the alternatives?


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There is a long-standing critique about neighbourhoods: that whether they are planned, delineated or self-actualised, they often exist for the purpose of social segregation. An important question for planners is whether neighbourhoods can embody progressive ideals and not devolve into enclaves promoting social insularity and separation. This paper reviews the three main strategies that have been proposed over the past century: (1) to look for ways to successfully integrate the segregated neighbourhood into a wider urban system; (2) to position ethnic neighbourhoods as a legitimate example of successful segregation, if there is external connectivity and economic diversity within; and (3) to make neighbourhood-scale social diversity an explicit policy goal, accomplished through housing mix and other spatial planning policies. Each of these alternatives to the neighbourhood-as-segregation narrative has been advanced, with partial success. I conclude that neighbourhood segregation remains a serious issue that needs to be addressed, but that neighbourhoods themselves remain an important element of urban life – and planning practice. Both to sustain the neighbourhood ideal and mitigate its segregationist tendencies, planners need to try to improve upon, and potentially integrate, all three of the alternatives that have been developed.
机译:关于社区存在长期的批评:无论是计划,划定还是自我实现,它们通常是出于社会隔离的目的而存在的。对于规划者来说,一个重要的问题是,邻里是否能够体现进步的理想,而不是沦落为促进社会孤立和分离的飞地。本文回顾了过去一个世纪提出的三种主要策略:(1)寻找将隔离社区成功整合到更广泛的城市系统中的方法; (2)如果内部存在外部联系和经济多样性,则将族裔社区定位为成功隔离的合法例子; (3)通过住房结构和其他空间规划政策,使邻里规模的社会多样性成为一个明确的政策目标。这些作为“邻里隔离”叙事的替代方案中的每一种都得到了改进,并取得了部分成功。我的结论是,社区隔离仍然是一个需要解决的严重问题,但是社区本身仍然是城市生活和规划实践的重要组成部分。为了维持邻里理想并减轻其隔离主义倾向,规划人员需要尝试改进和潜在地整合已开发的所有三种选择。



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