首页> 外文期刊>Tourism management >Willingness to pay entrance fees to natural attractions: An Icelandic case study

Willingness to pay entrance fees to natural attractions: An Icelandic case study


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Introducing entrance fees to natural attractions may help counteract the threat of inadequate public funds for site maintenance and management. The primary objective of this study is to measure visitors' willingness to pay such fees in Iceland, where no such measurement has previously been undertaken. A questionnaire survey based on the contingent valuation method was carried out at two major natural attractions in Iceland: Gullfoss waterfall and Skaftafell National Park. Over 92% of the 252 respondents were willing to pay an entrance fee. Mean amounts and population consumer surplus estimates per season were ISK 333 and ISK 41 million at Cullfoss and ISK 508 and ISK 34 million at Skaftafell, respectively. Modest fees would not significantly decrease the demand for these attractions. Slight differences were found in the willingness to pay according to income, attitude towards environmental protection, number of previous visits, history of paying entrance fees, country of residence, age and education. Implications of the empirical study for policy makers and site managers are provided.
机译:向自然景点收取入场费可能有助于抵销公共资金不足以维护和管理场地的威胁。这项研究的主要目的是衡量冰岛游客的支付意愿,而冰岛以前没有进行过此类衡量。在冰岛的两个主要自然景点-古佛斯瀑布(Gullfoss Waterfall)和斯卡法特国家公园(Skaftafell National Park)-进行了基于或有估值法的问卷调查。在252名受访者中,超过92%的人愿意支付入场费。每个季节的平均数量和人口消费者剩余估计数分别为Cullfoss的333冰岛克朗和4100万冰岛克朗,Skaftafell的为508冰岛克朗和3400万冰岛克朗。适度的费用不会显着减少对这些景点的需求。在根据收入的支付意愿,对环境保护的态度,以前的就诊次数,支付入场费的历史,居住国家,年龄和教育程度方面,发现有细微的差异。提供了对决策者和现场经理进行实证研究的启示。



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