首页> 外文期刊>Tourism management >Modelling income effects on long and short haul international travel from Japan

Modelling income effects on long and short haul international travel from Japan


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International travel and tourism are among the most dynamic sectors in the modern economy. The phenomenal growth in international tourist arrivals has significantly outpaced global economic growth over the previous five decades, with particularly strong growth in the Asia and Pacific regions. Among other factors, changes in aircraft technology, economic prosperity and international air service liberalization in the late 1970s have contributed to the growth in the Japanese long haul outbound travel demand. The prolonged economic recession in Japan in the 1990s has changed Japanese outbound tourist preferences for travel to short haul destinations. Income in the origin country is arguably the most widely used explanatory variable in the extant empirical tourism demand literature. This paper examines the dynamic relationship between travel demand and real income in Japan using linear and nonlinear models in order to distinguish between travel demand to Taiwan and New Zealand, which are two short and long haul markets for Japan. The empirical findings that New Zealand has a higher income elasticity of demand as compared with Taiwan should be useful for tourism authorities in developing better informed policies and to manage tourism resources efficiently in destination marketing.
机译:国际旅行和旅游业是现代经济中最活跃的部门之一。在过去的五十年中,国际游客人数的惊人增长大大超过了全球经济增长,其中亚太地区的增长尤为强劲。除其他因素外,1970年代后期飞机技术的变化,经济繁荣和国际航空服务自由化推动了日本长途出境旅行需求的增长。 1990年代日本经济长期衰退,改变了日本出境游客对短途旅行目的地的偏好。起源国家的收入可以说是现存的经验旅游需求文献中使用最广泛的解释变量。本文使用线性和非线性模型研究了日本的旅行需求与实际收入之间的动态关系,以区分台湾和新西兰的旅行需求,而台湾和新西兰是日本的两个短途旅行市场。经验发现,与台湾相比,新西兰的需求收入弹性更高,这对于旅游业当局制定更好的知情政策和在目的地市场营销中有效管理旅游资源很有用。



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