首页> 外文期刊>Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions >asan al-Bann or the Politicisation of Islam

asan al-Bann or the Politicisation of Islam

机译:asan al-Bann或伊斯兰政治化

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The politicisation of Islam can be traced back to the establishment of the Muslim Brothers' Society in Egypt in the late 1920s. Its founder, asan al-Bann, was greatly influenced by the European political religions that appeared in the first decades of the twentieth century, and there were significant similarities between the Society's organisation and that of fascist parties. In addition, al-Bann embraced totalitarianism and developed the notion of Islam as a 'comprehensive' system. Finally, his worldview shows striking parallelisms with that of the totalitarian ideologues, with its depiction of history as a process of decline from a mythical past, and of the Muslim Brothers as the saviours who will lead the nation back to the lost utopia.
机译:伊斯兰的政治化可以追溯到1920年代后期在埃及建立的穆斯林兄弟会。它的创始人阿桑·阿尔·班(Asan al-Bann)受二十世纪前几十年出现的欧洲政治宗教的影响很大,该协会的组织与法西斯政党的组织之间存在着很大的相似之处。此外,阿尔·班恩(Al-Bann)拥护极权主义,并将伊斯兰的概念发展为“综合”系统。最后,他的世界观与极权主义者的思想家有着惊人的相似之处,它描绘了历史是从神话的过去而来的衰落过程,而穆斯林兄弟是将国家带回失落的乌托邦的救世主。



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