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The partially ordered set of one-point extensions


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A space Y is called an extension of a space X if Y contains X as a dense subspace. Two extensions of X are said to be equivalent if there is a homeomorphism between them which fixes X point-wise. For two (equivalence classes of) extensions Y and Y~1 of X let Y ≤ Y~1 if there is a continuous function of Y~1 into Y which fixes X point-wise. An extension Yof X is called a one-point extension of X if Y X is a singleton. Let Ρ be a topological property. An extension Y of X is called a V-extension of X if it has Ρ. One-point Ρ-extensions comprise the subject matter of this article. Here Ρ is subject to some mild requirements. We define an anti-order-isomorphism between the set of one-point Tychonoff extensions of a (Tychonoff) space X (partially ordered by ≤) and the set of compact non-empty subsets of its outgrowth βXX (partially ordered by (c)). This enables us to study the order-structure of various sets of one-point extensions of the space X by relating them to the topologies of certain subspaces of its outgrowth. We conclude the article with the following conjecture. For a Tychonoff spaces X denote by U/(X) the set of all zero-sets of βX which miss X. Conjecture. For locally compact spaces X and Y the partially ordered sets ((U)(X),(c)) and ((U)(Y), c) are order-isomorphic if and only if the spaces cl_(βx)(βX υX) and cl_(βY)(βY υY) are homeomorphic.
机译:如果Y包含X作为密集子空间,则空间Y称为空间X的扩展。如果X的两个扩展在它们之间存在同胚同质性,则可以等效地固定X。对于X的两个(等价类)扩展Y和Y〜1,如果存在Y〜1到Y的连续函数(逐点固定X),则让Y≤Y〜1。如果Y X是单例,则X的扩展Yof称为X的单点扩展。令ρ为拓扑性质。 X的扩展Y如果具有,则称为X的V-扩展。单点P扩展构成了本文的主题。在此,P受一些温和的要求。我们在(Tychonoff)空间X的单点Tychonoff扩展集(部分由≤排序)与其扩展βXX的紧致非空子集的集合(部分由(c)排序)之间定义反同构)。这使我们能够通过将空间X的某些单点扩展集与其扩展的某些子空间的拓扑联系起来来研究其顺序结构。我们以以下推测来结束本文。对于Tychonoff空间,X由U /(X)表示,其中X的所有零集都错过了X。猜想。对于局部紧空间X和Y,当且仅当空间cl_(βx)(βX)时,部分有序集((U)(X),(c))和((U)(Y),c)是阶同构的υX)和cl_(βY)(βYυY)是同胚的。



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