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Topologizations of a set endowed with an action of a monoid


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Given a set X and a family G of self-maps of X, we study the problem of the existence of a non-discrete Hausdorff topology on X with respect to which all functions f ∈ G are continuous. A topology on X with this property is called a G-topology. The answer is given in terms of the Zariski G-topology ζ_G on X, that is, the topology generated by the subbase consisting of the sets {x ∈ X: f(x) ≠ g(x)} and {x ∈ X: f(x) ≠ c}, where f, g ∈ G and c ∈ X. We prove that, for a countable monoid G (∈) X~x, X admits a non-discrete Hausdorff G-topology if and only if the Zariski G-topology ζ_G is non-discrete; moreover, in this case, X admits 2~c hereditarily normal G-topologies.
机译:给定一个集合X和一个X的自映射族G,我们研究关于X上存在所有函数f∈G连续的非离散Hausdorff拓扑的问题。具有此属性的X上的拓扑称为G拓扑。答案是根据X上的Zariski G拓扑ζ_G给出的,也就是说,由由集合{x∈X:f(x)≠g(x)}和{x∈X: f(x)≠c},其中f,g∈G和c∈X。我们证明,对于一个可数的单等式G(∈)X〜x,当且仅当X,x接受非离散Hausdorff G拓扑。 Zariski G拓扑ζ_G是非离散的;而且,在这种情况下,X接纳2〜c个遗传上正常的G拓扑。



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