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A kinder, gentler death


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Dying is one of the few events in life certain to occur—and yet one we are not likely to plan for. We will spend more time getting ready for two weeks away from work than we will for our last two weeks on earth. Consequently, says Frank Ostaceski, who runs a San Francisco home for the dying, "we have more preparation for how to operate our VCRS than we do for how to die." But as Moliere joked, "We die only once—and for so long!" So we should choose to die well. Too many of us don't. According to a new TIME/CNN poll, 7 out of 10 Americans say they want to die at home; instead, three-fourths die in medical institutions. More than a third of dying people spend at least 10 days in intensive-care units, where they often endure torturous (generally futile) attempts at a cure.
机译:死亡是生命中必然发生的少数事件之一,但我们不太可能为之做好准备。比起过去的最后两周,我们将花费更多的时间来准备两周的工作。因此,在旧金山为临终者经营房屋的弗兰克·奥斯塔塞斯基(Frank Ostaceski)表示:“与如何为死者相比,我们对如何操作VCRS的准备更多。”但是正如莫里哀开玩笑说:“我们只死一次,而且死了这么久!”所以我们应该选择好死。我们太多了。根据TIME / CNN的一项新民意测验,十分之七的美国人说他们想死在家里。相反,四分之三的人死于医疗机构。三分之一以上的垂死者在重症监护室里度过了至少10天,在那里他们经常忍受折磨(通常徒劳)的治愈尝试。



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