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All That's Missing Is the Popcorn


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It's Too Bad There's Not An Academy Award For Head fakes. As Arnold Schwarzenegger prepared to step onto the Tonight Show stage last week, Jay Leno asked him how he was going to make the expected announcement that he was not going to run for Governor of California. Schwarzenegger murmured, "I am bowing out." And that's what everyone was expecting to hear. In fact, top adviser George Gorton stood at the edge of the set, holding the official statement that began, "I am not running for Governor..." When Gorton offered one last word of regret over the campaign that wasn't to be, the former Mr. Universe threw a muscular arm around his shoulder and said, "Let's go do it." He did it, all right. A few moments into the show's afternoon taping, Schwarzenegger declared to a squealing studio audience, "I am going to run for Governor of the state of California." It took Gorton until after the commercial break to figure out that Schwarzenegger wasn't joking; the crumpled statement was still in Gorton's hand as stagehands ejected him from the studio for using his cell phone to begin alerting Schwarzenegger's other clueless advisers.
机译:太糟糕了,没有关于假货的奥斯卡奖。上周,当阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)准备踏上今晚秀的舞台时,杰伊·莱诺(Jay Leno)问他将如何宣布他不打算竞选加利福尼亚州州长。施瓦辛格喃喃地说:“我在鞠躬。”这就是每个人都希望听到的。实际上,最高顾问乔治·高顿(George Gorton)站在场上,发表正式声明,说:“我不竞选州长……”当高顿对竞选活动最后一个遗憾时,他表示遗憾。 ,前宇宙先生将强壮的手臂缠在肩膀上,说道:“让我们开始吧。”他做到了,好的。演出下午的录音结束后的几分钟,施瓦辛格向一群狂热的录音室观众宣告:“我要去加利福尼亚州州长竞选。”直到商业中断之后,戈顿才知道施瓦辛格不是在开玩笑。那个皱巴巴的陈述仍在戈登的手中,因为舞台表演者将他从录音室赶出,原因是他用手机开始警告施瓦辛格的其他笨拙的顾问。



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