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Catch an Opera at Home


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We're barreling along in Act II of Berlioz's The Trojans. Troy is in flames. The Greeks are rampaging. As conductor John Eliot Gardiner whips the orchestra to a boil, the proph-etess Cassandra (Anna Caterina Antonacci) soars into an aria of despair and defiance, urging the other Trojan women to kill themselves. But hold on. Let's take a moment to hear how director Yannis Kokkos sees this scene. (Cassandra's "vision of fatality," he says, achieves for Troy "a kind of revenge by immolation.") Next, let's cut to Gardiner. (Conducting this music, he says, is "so deeply moving because [Berlioz] does everything that the conductor needs for him.") O.K. Now back to the battle.
机译:我们正沿着柏辽兹(Berlioz)的《特洛伊人》(The Trojans)第二幕行事。特洛伊着火了。希腊人猖狂。指挥约翰·埃利奥特·加德纳(John Eliot Gardiner)将乐团烧得沸沸扬扬时,女先知卡桑德拉(安娜·卡特琳娜·安托纳奇)(Anna Caterina Antonacci)陷入了绝望和反抗的气氛,敦促其他特洛伊木马妇女自杀。但是等一下。让我们花点时间听听导演Yannis Kokkos如何看待这一幕。 (他说,卡桑德拉的“死亡观”使特洛伊“通过献祭报仇”。)接下来,让我们切入加德纳。 (他说,演奏这种音乐“非常感人,因为[Berlioz]做了指挥所需要的一切。”)现在回到战斗。



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