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On the Brink of Trouble?


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The year 2004 was one for the record books: the world economy grew at its fastest rate in almost three decades. And most observers predict that growth in 2005 will continue to be relatively robust. The developed world, to paraphrase British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's 1957 proclamation to his countrymen, has rarely had it so good. Why, then, are so many economists so nervous? When TIME'S annual Board of Economists round table met during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, late last month, the discussion focused less on what is going right in the global economy than on what's wrong—and how serious the longer-term impact could be for everyone. Will the U.S. be able to continue sucking in the savings of people around the world to finance its profligacy?
机译:2004年是创纪录的一年:世界经济以近三十年来最快的速度增长。大多数观察家预测,2005年的增长将继续保持相对强劲的势头。用英国首相哈罗德·麦克米伦(Harold Macmillan)1957年对他的同胞的宣告来解释发达国家,这种情况很少见。那么,为什么这么多经济学家如此紧张?上个月末,在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛期间,《时代》杂志年度经济学家圆桌会议召开时,讨论的重点不在于全球经济的正向,而在于错在哪里,以及长期影响可能有多严重为每个人。美国能否继续吸纳全世界人民的积蓄来资助其挥霍无度吗?



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