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Inside the Scandal At Justice


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It takes a lot to get mild-mannered Attorney General Alberto Gonzales hot under the collar. That's why it was telling when word went out to his top aides in February that something had set him off. "The Attorney General is extremely upset with the stories on the U.S. Attorneys this morning," his spokesman Brian Roehrkasse wrote in an e-mail. The papers that day were full of news about the testimony that his deputy Paul McNulty had given to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the firing last year of eight U.S. Attorneys. Gonzales had previously suggested that all of them had been dismissed for poor performance, but McNulty allowed that at least one of them, Bud Cummins of the Eastern District of Arkansas, had been removed to make room for Tim Griffin, a Karl Rove protege who had headed the opposition-research operation at the Republican National Committee.
机译:将温和的检察长阿尔贝托·冈萨雷斯(Alberto Gonzales)弄到衣领下面需要很多时间。这就是为什么它告诉二月份什么时候向他的最高助手传来消息,令他动容了。他的发言人布莱恩·罗克卡斯(Brian Roehrkasse)在一封电子邮件中写道:“司法部长今天早上对美国检察官的故事感到非常沮丧。”当天的报纸上充斥着有关他的副手保罗·麦克纳尔蒂(Paul McNulty)就参议院司法委员会去年被解雇八名美国律师的证词的新闻。冈萨雷斯以前曾建议所有这些人都因表现不佳而被解雇,但麦克努尔蒂允许其中至少一个人,即阿肯色州东区的巴德·康明斯被撤职,以便为卡尔·罗夫(Karl Rove)的门徒蒂姆·格里芬(Tim Griffin)腾出空间。领导共和党全国委员会的反对派研究行动。



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