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From Communism to Commons?


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It is still possible to posit the 'hypothesis of communism' (Alain Badiou) but not without realising that creative capitalism subsumes and distorts classical Communist ideas, such as the supersession of the division of labour or the universalisation of creativity. Collaborative activist practices in art that still posit a communist hypothesis must negotiate these obstacles. In the present dialogue, two members of Chto Delat?, a group of artists and intellectuals from Petersburg and Moscow, discuss how to resist and work through the atomisation that inevitably affects any collective, interdisciplinary practice. It is very important to create one's own context without succumbing to the religious pathos of an 'exodus', and it is very important to work through a radically new class composition of society by inventing new transversal organisational forms, finding the link to the historical avant-garde as a source of both meaningful aesthetic pleasure and a new form of political discipline.
机译:仍然有可能提出“共产主义假说”(Alain Badiou),但并非没有意识到创造性的资本主义吸收并扭曲了古典的共产主义思想,例如对分工的迷恋或创造性的普遍化。仍以共产主义假设为前提的艺术领域的合作激进主义实践必须克服这些障碍。在目前的对话中,来自圣彼得堡和莫斯科的艺术家和知识分子Chto Delat?的两名成员讨论了如何抵抗和影响不可避免地影响任何集体,跨学科实践的雾化。在不屈服于“外逃”的宗教悲哀的情况下创造自己的环境非常重要,并且通过创造新的横向组织形式,找到与历史前卫者的联系来研究一种全新的社会阶级组成非常重要。 -前卫既是有意义的审美乐趣又是新形式的政治纪律的来源。



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