首页> 外文期刊>Third Text >Vera Mukhina: Art Between Modernism and Socialist Realism

Vera Mukhina: Art Between Modernism and Socialist Realism

机译:维拉·穆希纳(Vera Mukhina):现代主义与社会主义现实主义之间的艺术

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The sculptor Vera Mukhina created Peasant Woman in 1927 for the exhibition celebrating the tenth anniversary of the October revolution. The artist explained that with her heavy-limbed figure she wanted to create a Russian Pomona. Responses to and treatment of this sculpture demonstrate the ambivalent role of art in the Soviet Union in general and Peasant Woman in particular, however. On the one hand it was read as support for the official political line, on the other hand its formal construction is evidence of a self-confident modernist artistic spirit. In fact, Mukhina never adhered to official art policies, which brought her difficulties in the following decades. Hence, rather than being an early manifestation of Socialist Realism, the sculpture joins European neo-classical tendencies of the early twentieth century and is a late echo of Mukhina's experience in Paris, 1912-1914. In the article the sculpture's various interpretations are critically discussed and the artwork is placed within Modernism.
机译:雕塑家维拉·穆希纳(Vera Mukhina)于1927年为庆祝十月革命十周年的展览创作了《农民女人》。这位画家解释说,她想用沉重的身材来创作俄罗斯波莫纳。但是,对此雕塑的回应和处理表明,艺术在苏联,尤其是《农妇》中起着矛盾的作用。一方面,它被认为是对官方政治路线的支持,另一方面,它的形式建构是一种自信的现代主义艺术精神的证明。实际上,Mukhina从未遵守官方的艺术政策,这在接下来的几十年中给她带来了困难。因此,该雕塑并没有像社会主义现实主义的早期表现那样,而是结合了20世纪初的欧洲新古典主义倾向,是对穆希纳在1912-1914年在巴黎的经历的回响。在这篇文章中,对雕塑的各种解释进行了严格的讨论,并将艺术品置于现代主义之中。



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