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Complexity and Expressive Power of Weakly Well-Designed SPARQL


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SPARQL is the standard query language for RDF data. The distinctive feature of SPARQL is the OPTIONAL operator, which allows for partial answers when complete answers are not available due to lack of information. However, optional matching is computationally expensive—query answering is PSPACE-complete. The well-designed fragment of SPARQL achieves much better computational properties by restricting the use of optional matching—query answering becomes coNP-complete. On the downside, well-designed SPARQL captures far from all real-life queries—in fact, only about half of the queries over DBpedia that use OPTIONAL are well-designed. In the present paper, we study queries outside of well-designed SPARQL. We introduce the class of weakly well-designed queries that subsumes well-designed queries and includes most common meaningful non-well-designed queries: our analysis shows that the new fragment captures over 99% of DBpedia queries with OPTIONAL. At the same time, query answering for weakly well-designed SPARQL remains coNP-complete, and our fragment is in a certain sense maximal for this complexity. We show that the fragment’s expressive power is strictly in-between well-designed and full SPARQL. Finally, we provide an intuitive normal form for weakly well-designed queries and study the complexity of containment and equivalence.
机译:SPARQL是RDF数据的标准查询语言。 SPARQL的独特功能是OPTIONAL运算符,当由于缺少信息而无法获得完整答案时,它可以提供部分答案。但是,可选匹配在计算上很昂贵-查询答案是PSPACE完整的。精心设计的SPARQL片段通过限制可选匹配的使用来实现更好的计算性能-查询应答变为coNP完整的。不利的一面是,经过精心设计的SPARQL不能捕获所有现实查询中的内容-实际上,使用OPTIONAL的DBpedia上只有大约一半的查询经过了精心设计。在本文中,我们研究了设计良好的SPARQL之外的查询。我们介绍一类设计欠佳的查询,该查询包含精心设计的查询,并包括最常见的有意义的非精心设计的查询:我们的分析表明,使用OPTIONAL,新片段捕获了超过99%的DBpedia查询。同时,对设计欠佳的SPARQL的查询回答仍然是coNP完整的,对于这种复杂性,我们的片段在某种意义上是最大的。我们证明了片段的表达能力严格介于精心设计的SPARQL和完整的SPARQL之间。最后,我们为设计欠佳的查询提供了直观的范式,并研究了包含和等效性的复杂性。



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