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Automated docking of estrogens and SERMs into an estrogen receptor alpha and beta isoform using the PMF forcefield and the Lamarckian genetic algorithm


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A diverse set of estrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) whose relative binding affinities (RBAs), with respect to 17β-estradiol are known, are automatically docked into a particular estrogen receptor alpha and beta (ERα and ERβ) in silico, utilizing the Lamarckian genetic docking algorithm and the potentials of mean force (PMF) function. After division into distinct classes (estrogens, SERMs), the ligands are ranked based upon the calculated ligand:receptor interaction energies, as well as experimental RBAs. Comparison of both rankings shows good agreement within the distinct ligand classes. The presented results indicate that the PMF may be applied to the estrogen receptor:ligand complexes, and the ranking of ligands within distinct classes is a very useful pre-screening tool for development of novel estrogen receptor ligands.
机译:利用已知的相对于17β-雌二醇的相对结合亲和力(RBA)的多种雌激素和选择性雌激素受体调节剂(SERM),自动利用计算机对接到特定的雌激素受体α和β(ERα和ERβ)中。 Lamarckian遗传对接算法和平均力(PMF)函数的潜力。在分为不同的类别(雌激素,SERM)之后,根据计算出的配体:受体相互作用能以及实验RBA对配体进行排名。两种排名的比较显示出不同配体类别之间的良好一致性。提出的结果表明,PMF可以应用于雌激素受体:配体复合物,不同类别中的配体排名是开发新型雌激素受体配体的非常有用的预筛选工具。



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