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What's wrong with Europe? Again...


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The opinion that there is something wrong with the European Union is widely shared, even exaggeratedly so. The book by van Middelaar confirms the opinion, but it goes a long way to explain what is wrong in the EU and to suggest what should not be done and what can be done to overcome some of the major problems. The European Union has come into being—this a major point made by author—as a regulatory state. In the EU the politics of rules has been and remains paramount. This kind of politics makes it very difficult and quite complicated to deal with the challenges that the EU has had to face in the last ten years or so. Van Middelaar convincingly proves his point by analysing in detail the various crises: the euro (EU response: improvising); Ukraine (EU response: negotiating); the refugee crisis (EU response: setting boundaries); the Atlantic crisis (as he calls the combination of Brexit as well as the deteriorating relationship between the USA and the EU in the era of Trump). He calls the response 'uprising', that is, Merkel's declaration that the EU will finally take its destiny into its own hands. In a way, all these crises have been, one way or the other, if not 'solved', at least overcome. The author reproaches 'Brussels ideologues' for attempting to identify in the different crises 'however, painful or dangerous, the promise of a United Europe'. On the contrary, not much has been learned from each of the crises, not even who is mainly responsible for dealing with them: 'representatives of the central institutions or of the national capitals?'. In any case, the author believes that the EU ought to find ways to act swiftly in an emergency.
机译:人们普遍认为欧洲联盟存在问题,甚至夸大其词。范·米德德拉尔(van Middelaar)的书证实了这一观点,但它在解释欧盟的错误和建议应该采取哪些措施以及可以采取哪些措施来克服一些主要问题方面走了很长的路要走。欧盟已作为监管国应运而生-这是作者提出的主要观点。在欧盟,规则政治一直并且仍然至关重要。这种政治使得应对欧盟过去十年左右所面临的挑战非常困难而且非常复杂。范米德拉(Van Middelaar)通过详细分析各种危机来令人信服地证明了自己的观点:欧元(欧盟的回应:即兴发挥);乌克兰(欧盟回应:正在谈判);难民危机(欧盟的回应:设定界限);大西洋危机(正如他所说的那样,英国脱欧以及特朗普时代美国与欧盟之间不断恶化的关系)。他称回应为“起义”,即默克尔宣布欧盟将最终将命运掌握在自己手中。从某种意义上说,所有这些危机至少可以得到克服,即使不是“解决”。作者谴责“布鲁塞尔思想家”试图在不同的危机中确定“无论是痛苦,危险还是联合欧洲的希望”。相反,从每场危机中学到的东西都不多,甚至没有谁是应对危机的主要负责人:“中央机构或国家首都的代表?”。无论如何,作者认为,欧盟应该找到在紧急情况下迅速采取行动的方法。



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